Here at I Am Hip Hop, you can get an exclus­ive look at Odillia’s brand new video for her single ‘Break It Down’ fea­tur­ing the one and only, Snoop Dogg. After being signed last year by the people who dis­covered and man­aged Nelly, Odillia’s music has star­ted to evolve in such a short time. Although being a hip-hop artist at heart, recently one can see her extend her love to twostep, house and gar­age with R&B and soul influ­ences. The single comes hot on the heels of her chart-top­ping debut single End of the World, fea­tur­ing Atlanta’s Lil’ Keed that racked up over 10 mil­lion views on social media since it premiered in February.

‘Break It Down’, which was writ­ten by Odillia, explores the ups and downs of a rela­tion­ship with one part­ner in need of cla­ri­fic­a­tion of where things stand.

[My songs] are all based on things I have per­son­ally exper­i­enced or the exper­i­ences of people in my life,” she explains. “Some­times, when two people are in a rela­tion­ship but not on the same page, there comes that moment of hon­estly where they just have to break it down and say what it is they want or don’t want from each oth­er. I’m excited to play off those emo­tions in a back and forth with Snoop with beau­ti­ful Aruba as the back­drop of the story.”

The track is accom­pan­ied by a video shot in Aruba and shows Odillia look­ing as glam­or­ous as ever, prowl­ing the screen whilst own­ing her sen­su­al­ity in the warmth of the Carib­bean. Her raunchy video call with The Dogg Fath­er is seduct­ively lit in red-light as Odillia man­ages to ooze power and dom­in­ance through­out the scene mak­ing it impossible to take your eyes off her. Com­bin­ing a tra­di­tion­al hip-hop video with com­plex dance routines, the video really shows off her tal­ents as a sing­er, dan­cer and performer.

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Jasmine Hodge

I’m Jas­mine, a freel­ance music journ­al­ist, music PR and por­trait artist who does­n’t hold back.

About Jasmine Hodge

I'm Jasmine, a freelance music journalist, music PR and portrait artist who doesn't hold back.