About Us

 Who We Are

I Am Hip-Hop Magazine is pro­duced by the char­it­able youth led organ­iz­a­tion No Bounds www.nobounds.org.uk


The aim of the magazine was to use the Hip-Hop cul­ture to influ­ence and rein­force pos­it­iv­ity with­in soci­ety espe­cially amongst the youth and disadvantaged.

Avail­able as a yearly print edi­tion and online web­site, the magazine embraces all ele­ments of Hip-Hop cul­ture espe­cially the 5th ele­ment ‘Know­ledge’. With art­icles on social issues, inter­views and reviews of Hip-Hop artists, poetry, edu­ca­tion, well-being and con­scious arts, the magazine has become a Hip-Hop col­lect­able. We have been for­tu­nate enough to be able to inter­view some of Hip-hop’s greats such as Immor­tal Tech­nique, Dead Prez, Phife Dawg, The Last Poets, Pete Rock, Pharaohe Monch, Jedi Mind Tricks, Ghetts, Onyx, Boots Riley – to name just a few!

So far we have pro­duced 5 suc­cess­ful print issues, which have been sold online and stocked in vari­ous shops and cafes in the UK includ­ing Tate Mod­ern, Somer­set House, Hous­mans Book­store, Chip Shop Brix­ton, as well as across the globe in USA, Brasil, Por­tugal, Ire­land, Uganda, India, Colom­bia and China.

I Am Hip Hop Magazine has branched out into radio, visu­al con­tent with Glob­al­Fac­tion, events, youth ment­or pro­grams and rap ther­apy work­shops! Hip-Hop don’t stop – we have made it our mis­sion to fully embrace the roots of the Hip-Hop cul­ture and provide a voice to the voice­less. In a world where we are con­stantly told what to think and do, we aim to provide an altern­at­ive, inde­pend­ent pos­it­ive platform.

We have a col­lect­ive of volun­teers who donate their time and skills wheth­er that’s to write, pro­duce con­tent, pho­to­graph, cur­ate, help with mar­ket­ing and more! We are always look­ing for new writers and help­ers to join our collective.