I Am Hip Hop Magazine wel­comes new music from artists who fit the eth­os of our magazine. We sup­port all artists and use our reach to ensure your music meets a wide glob­al audi­ence of our 2 mil­lion a year loy­al site visitors!

To sub­mit your con­tent send all links along with a short descrip­tion, bio­graphy and high qual­ity image to  :

Full album and EP Reviews

As our writers work on a vol­un­tary basis we ask for £30 for all full album / EP reviews writ­ten. This goes towards  the writers time as well as back into the No Bounds charity.

Pro­mo­tion­al Mar­ket­ing Campaigns

Please con­tact us to find out about our pro­mo­tion­al mar­ket­ing cam­paigns for your music, event or product. We have com­pet­it­ive rates which extend across digit­al, ground, online and print. Our team are even able to devise a innov­at­ive cam­paign to ensure you reach your tar­get audience!

For more inform­a­tion please email:

You can donate via PayP­al here  

Please note regard­less of pay­ment all con­tent needs to be approved by the team before we con­firm wheth­er a review is possible.