Ireland’s most con­tro­ver­sial and intriguing hip-hop duo, Ver­sat­ile have been notice­ably absent from the pub­lic eye for a while. With the fas­cin­at­ing pair rarely giv­ing inter­views, they finally break their silence and allow LTW an oppor­tun­ity to meet the boys behind their char­ac­ters.

After start­ing to record You­Tube videos in 2014, the two became notori­ous for their over­em­phas­is of the Dub­lin, work­ing-class, drug deal­er ste­reo­type. Their image plays a large part in their sil­hou­ette and goes hand-in-hand with their achieve­ments. With their strik­ing hip-hop sound and imma­ture demean­ers, their far­cic­al image is one that is hard to for­get.

Casey ‘Casper’ Walsh and Alex ‘Eskimo Supreme’ Sheehan’s names star­ted to grow with their music and the gos­sip that sur­roun­ded them last year. But as their pro­file grew, so did the ambi­gu­ity that the media just couldn’t seem to leave alone. It would be impossible to ignore the con­tro­versy that sur­roun­ded their lyr­ics last year with the media labelling their songs as ‘sex­ist’ and ‘racist’.

“That’s all a load of BOL­LOX, don’t mind any of that!” Shee­han begins. “Any­one that takes what we say in our tracks ser­i­ously is an idi­ot!”

Walsh adds, “We’re just all about hav­ing a laugh, f***ing around and mak­ing some tunes while we’re at it!”

For gen­er­a­tions hip-hop has come under scru­tiny for its miso­gyn­ist­ic lyr­ics and it seems Ver­sat­ile were no strangers to being tar­geted by the media. “I think people take us too ser­i­ously in gen­er­al, the media has had a field day mak­ing a hideous mon­ster of us!” Walsh admits. How­ever, after hav­ing already driv­en music fans and media alike to des­pair and delight in equal meas­ure, they now look to con­tin­ue their sig­na­ture lack of sub­tlety with new single, ‘Flashy Flashy’ and with a Snoop Dogg tour announced for 2021. The new track comes with an accom­pa­ny­ing video that lives up to it’s ‘flashy flashy’ name.

Speak­ing of the new video, Shee­han states, “It just comes from our exper­i­ence in Dub­lin. We have very col­our­ful adven­ture-filled lives here in our homet­own with all the char­ac­ters we grew up with and we pro­ject that exper­i­ence into our music”.

“I hope [the fans] abso­lutely adore it” Walsh con­tin­ues.

The duo recently won Best Hip Hop Act at the UK Urb­an Music Awards 2020 with pre­vi­ous win­ners includ­ing Stormzy, Tinie Tem­pah and many more. “We met a few heads there, but a lot of their names escape me now. We were on a lovely one so that’s prob­ably why I can’t remem­ber much. I do remem­ber see­ing Aj Tracey at it though”

Last year, their head­line show at Cork Mar­quee sold out in a mat­ter of hours mak­ing it the largest Hip Hop con­cert to be head­lined by an Irish artist in Ire­land. This suc­cess was soon fol­lowed by their unfor­get­table per­form­ance at Lon­git­ude Fest­iv­al ‘19 to a 40,000 strong crowd. We licked a load of arses back­stage and got our arses licked. It’s just a big orgy of artists lick­ing arse back­stage at fest­ivals” Walsh cheekily admits.

Fol­low­ing this, they sold out their biggest head­line con­cert to date at the 3 Arena Dub­lin, once again in a mat­ter of hours. Lead­ing up to this show Ver­sat­ile released a single & music video for ‘Escape Wag­on’ with Grammy award win­ning West Coast Legend, Coolio. The Compton legend joined Ver­sat­ile as a sur­prise guest at their sold out 3 Arena show in Dub­lin and they per­formed ‘Escape Wag­on’ and his Grammy award win­ning anthem ‘Gangsta’s Para­dise’ togeth­er.

“Someone sent us an art­icle basic­ally say­ing that Coolio was fuck­ing with Ver­sat­ile and he likes how we keep the Dub­lin accent when we rap,” Shee­han remin­isces. “Coolio is a f*cking hero, he was telling us mad stor­ies from back in the day and we had a whop­per f*ck off ses­sion with him. Although, me and Casey did sh*t our jocks one morn­ing when we binned Coolio’s homemade chick­en by acci­dent. We thought he was gonna shoot both of us on sight. Look­ing for­ward to link­ing back up with him soon”

Their new video shows the boys flash­ing the cash and get­ting ‘the watch in’ and, with a less col­our­ful demean­er to the melody, it is made-up with a video that fits the Ver­sat­ile charm. ‘Flashy Flashy’ is a state­ment that shows the boys are back in full force and still don’t give a shit about what any­one thinks.

With a Snoop Dogg tour just round the corner, they are set to be play­ing icon­ic ven­ues like the o2 arena in Lon­don, The Ziggo Dome in Ams­ter­dam and of course their home town 3 Arena in Dub­lin., Shee­han laughs, “What the fuck are cunts gonna think when these two Dubs rock onto the stage beside all these OG’s?”

 A new album lurks in the near future and from it, real­ist­ic­ally, we know what to expect. It will be con­tro­ver­sial, opin­ion­ated and prob­ably not suit­able for any ears. “What the fans can expect from the album is to be bent over, spanked, caressed, pas­sion­ately kissed and told there’s some­body out there that really cares about them. It’s gonna be like a hug from an old friend”

 So, there you have it.

Stream the new track HERE



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Jasmine Hodge

Jasmine Hodge

I’m Jas­mine, a freel­ance music journ­al­ist, music PR and por­trait artist who does­n’t hold back.

About Jasmine Hodge

Jasmine Hodge
I'm Jasmine, a freelance music journalist, music PR and portrait artist who doesn't hold back.