Brook­lyn-based hip-hop and R&B record­ing artist Jovi­an is mer­ging sounds in a way truly only he can, born with the rare dis­order, syn­es­thesia. Able to smell, taste, hear, feel and see col­ours in his head that he’s nev­er seen before, he treats the sounds he cre­ates with sim­il­ar oth­er­world­li­ness, as evid­enced on his recently released single, Better.

His new single is ‘Where’d U Go’, which you can get an exclus­ive first listen too here on I Am Hip Hop, see’s Jovi­an enter the dark with a brood­ing and atmo­spher­ic hip hop track. The shad­owy world cre­ated on the track comes to life with haunt­ing synths and vocal samples that float gently over a heavy kick driv­en beat. Jovi­an moves between his idio­syn­crat­ic vocals and his ultra-chill flow cak­ing the track in a raw emo­tion that is encap­su­lated with­in his hard-hit­ting lyr­ics. This new single fol­lows the world­wide online and radio suc­cess of ‘Bet­ter’, ‘2 Young’ and ‘Timothée Chalamet’.

Ori­gin­ally drawn to music to deal with depres­sion, anxi­ety and body dys­morphia, Jovi­an went to act­ing school for 11 years (where he met Timothée Chalamet, the inspir­a­tion behind his pre­vi­ous single), giv­ing him the skills to cre­ate music which is vul­ner­able, raw and hon­est storytelling. Of Puerto Ric­an her­it­age, he struggled with men­tal health issues until turn­ing to music as an out­let for both his frus­tra­tions and cre­ativ­ity. Along­side his syn­es­thesia, Jovi­an found him­self with a unique view of the world which comes across in his music, a con­stantly chan­ging tapestry of styles which can see his voice effort­lessly switch­ing from fal­setto to rap.

Get an exclus­ive look at the new video for ‘Where’d U Go’ right here at I Am Hip Hop

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Jasmine Hodge

I’m Jas­mine, a freel­ance music journ­al­ist, music PR and por­trait artist who does­n’t hold back.

About Jasmine Hodge

I'm Jasmine, a freelance music journalist, music PR and portrait artist who doesn't hold back.