Acclaimed DJ duo DJ King Flow, hailing from France and Young Amsterdam representing...
DJ Swift, Founder of Wild 1 Radio, Keeping the DJ...
New Music: Vaz Feat K Koke — Platform 6...
Vaz’s debut track ‘Platform 6’ with veteran UK rapper K Koke has already got the internet
Fresh! #GlobalFaction Presents: Inspiration By...
New Album: Verbal Vision by Verbal Skillz...
Black Bodies: White Faces | The Commodification...
Nothing has changed. The slave-master paradigm has simply shifted to the creative sphere of rap
Who is Kapwon?
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? Abstract I guess, because I approach things from
Review: @ArtisticHorde Presents: Remarque Prize
A mild autumn evening presented a gracious show of poets presenting wonderfully insightful pieces....
A Sister With Soul… An Interview With Courtney...
Interview on Viva Venezuela!
This is our interview on the documentary Viva Venezuela with Ethesham who is part of RCG/FRFI.
Spokenword: Better Economy by Caleb Femi...
Weekly Wind-Up News with @ITCHFM
[youtube][/youtube] Weekly Wind-Up weekly news show is here! And in this weeks show Shante...