REVIEW | JACKSON TURNER (@jacksonturnermc)...
NYC’s act­ive Jack­son Turn­er who now resides in China on and off is some­thing truly spe­cial.
Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed By
With your bonuses and expenses You shoveled down your throat Now you bit the hand that fed you Dear
Interview: Introducing Lemzi (@lemziartist)
I am Hip Hop Magazine’s Lana Bell catches up with East Lon­don based soul­ful rap artist
Interview With Eddie Clark From The Palestine...
I am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell inter­viewed Bris­tol based Eddie Clark from the Palestine Museum.We talk...
Interview: @ArtUnderTheHood — Reppin Street Art
Graf­fiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost noth­ing. And even
Interview: Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial) On...
Lon­don based Hip Hop hero, Potent Whis­per bridges the gap between the struggle and the plat­form
The Oppressed Write Back — By Lana Bell
[youtube][/youtube] Lyr­ics Heart tis­sue cry­ing to sound of...
Interview With Spida Lee (@SPIDALEE)!
Hip Hop Vet­er­an from Hud­der­sfield, Spida Lee is a UK Hip Hop artist who has his
Interview: Europe’s Hip-Hop Scene With...
  New Jer­sey’s ultra emcee and out­stand­ing lyr­i­cist Venom­ous 2000, ahead of his anti­cip­ated tour...
Poetry: Raindrops Can Rise! By Lana Bell
  Police every­where. People every­where. Brad­ford City centre’, a white sky of suprem­acy hung...
Interview on Viva Venezuela!
This is our inter­view on the doc­u­ment­ary Viva Venezuela with Eth­e­sham who is part of RCG/FRFI.
Get To Know XYM (@xymyorkrapper)
Get to know XYM, his tracks are lyr­ic­al stor­ies to listen to! He’s a rap­per from York­shire,...