Review: @ArtisticHorde Presents: Remarque Prize


A mild autumn even­ing presen­ted a gra­cious show of poets present­ing won­der­fully insight­ful pieces. Form­al intro­duc­tions and pleas­ant inter­ac­tions for­mu­lated a warm equa­tion of a rel­at­ively young audi­ence, slightly older judges and a sixth form stu­dent organ­izer and her team. Elean­or is dir­ect­or of The Artist­ic Horde, and set the tone for a great even­ing show­cas­ing emo­tion­ally charged words orated with com­pos­ure and tenacity. The ven­ue the Front­line Club was equally eleg­ant with a uni­form exper­i­ence of stage capa­city and clear sounds, elev­at­ing each listen­er to pro­ceed to listen without inter­rup­tion and contented.

Har­lan Eps­tien, with ‘Soci­et­al Game­play’ and Melissa Pet­titt with ‘The White Morn­ing’ opened the event in a mix of cul­tur­ally charged liv­ing and fac­tu­al ambi­ence. Ana­stas­ia Prem­peh with ‘Who Run the World’ and Jack Bibby’s ‘Mr Jones and His Lucid Dreams’ uplif­ted the audi­ence into some­what eye-catching
words between dimen­sions and reality.The inter­lude was suc­ceeded with an inter­val graced with a sublime
per­form­ance by Anthony Anaxagor­ou. Rather than the tra­di­tion­al descript­ive whims of poetry, this inform­at­ive piece drew on tra­di­tion­al and ancient sim­il­ar­it­ies that con­verge today to for­mu­late the highest good. Expounded full of know­ledge, Anthony Anaxagor­ou kept his protests tame but no less pro­found, and drew out an insur­gency of hope for listen­ers to under­stand and grow into.

Harry Petty per­formed “Jack of Hearts” wear­ing his Heart on his sleeve but also draw­ing it from his deck without the help of lady luck was fol­lowed by Cail­lin Bowles Oaken wood; a polit­ic­ally centered dic­tion with logic­al integ­rity. Rose Day fin­ished the even­ing with a heart­felt per­form­ance through her eyes, of the life of a com­pan­ion and sol­dier mov­ing to do what had to be done.

Formed in May 2014, The Artist­ic Horde was cre­ated to change adverse cri­ti­cisms the media por­trays of the young­er gen­er­a­tion. As an example, this night show­cased some of London’s tal­en­ted young poet­ic­al minds. The event was embraced and mod­elled upon Erich Maria Remarque- a writer who swayed the per­cep­tions of a gen­er­a­tion dur­ing a peri­od of world conflict.

The day’s event was in sup­port of War Child. This rel­at­ively small organ­isa­tion works to help chil­dren affected in war zones. It has 29 employ­ees. War Child does work in Afgh­anistan, Iraq, Uganda, Syr­ia amongst oth­er loc­a­tions. It calls itself a “small char­ity with big ambi­tions” and aims to assist chil­dren wherever possible.

Spe­cial thanks to:

Sebasti­an Faulks- Award win­ning nov­el­ist, journ­al­ist and broad­caster, recently
his nov­el Bird­song set in France dur­ing World War One was adap­ted to tele­vised BBC drama in 2012.

Anthony Anaxagor­ou- Life­time poet and slam win­ner inspired by hip-hop and folk music, depict­ing scener­ies of polit­ics, racism, his­tory and philo­sophy through per­son­al experiences.

Hibaq Osman- 2012 Round­house Poetry Slam win­ner at 18 years, she has developed her verse into elo­quent expres­sion of a liv­ing limbo in London.

Paul Con­roy- War Zone Journ­al­ist, this highly exper­i­enced pho­to­graph­er has served with the Roy­al Artil­lery and repor­ted from high con­flict areas includ­ing The Middle East and Libya.

The Artist­ic Horde team Elean­or B, Soph­ie S, Tara J, Jack H and Ross C.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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