“Wait what? You run a hip hop magazine?! You? Yes I dooo… And guess what today
Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed By
With your bonuses and expenses You shoveled down your throat Now you bit the hand that fed you Dear
Must Read: Australian Aboriginal Rappers (Free...
Free book on Abori­gin­al Hip-Hop! The second edi­tion of the crit­ic­ally-acclaimed book REAL TALK:...
Poetry: Love and Power By @PoetInitiative
Love and Power Two things that dom­in­ate our lives but aren’t that dif­fer­ent from each other, The...
Interview: I Am Hip Hop Meet Able Danger...
Paul Catlow (‘DJ Cata­lyst’) and Mike Rogers (‘MR2’) are a duo known as, ‘Able Danger’. Both
Review: @Nas & DJ Green Lantern Live at O2...
As fans from all over the UK patiently wait for Nas to grace the stage at
Cool Tips: 5 Days to Master Your Twitter...
Day 1 : Create it and/or update it ! This first step could look funny because it
Review: The Jungle Brothers (@JungleBros4Life)...
Jungle Brothers Live @ Jazz Café Still Doing it by the Forces of Nature.   The Jungle,
Exclusive Interview With The Pharcyde
The Phar­cyde rep­res­en­ted a major shift in the West Coast hip hop paradigm, with their quirky
Talking About PTSD, Awareness and Ferguson with...
I Am Hip-Hop Magazine in col­lab­or­a­tion with Glob­al­Fac­tion, caught up with Phar­oahe Monch to chop it
Black Bodies: White Faces | The Commodification...
  Noth­ing has changed. The slave-mas­ter paradigm has simply shif­ted to the cre­at­ive sphere of rap