Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed By
With your bonuses and expenses You shoveled down your throat Now you bit the hand that fed you Dear
Vídeo : “No Justice, No Peace!” — Jonny...
Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Big Frizzle —...
Totally did not expect that trappy beat to hit my speak­ers, on GlobalFaction’s chan­nel that is
Talking About Resistance, Slavery &...
[youtube][/youtube] I Am Hip-Hop magazine, in asso­ci­ation with Glob­al­Fac­tion, met...
Review: KRS-One @TheJazzCafe London @IAmKRSOne
Know­ledge Reigns Supreme, KRS, KRS-One, simply one of the most com­pel­ling, legit and uncom­prom­ised...
Black Bodies: White Faces | The Commodification...
  Noth­ing has changed. The slave-mas­ter paradigm has simply shif­ted to the cre­at­ive sphere of rap
Album: @Lifemc — Sounds Of The Underground
Life MC just dropped and new album, ‘Sounds of the Under­ground’ a mix of unre­leased and new
Episode #22: Life Is Not About the Quickest...
Be patient in your pro­gress. Give your­self time to win in your jour­ney to accom­plish your
Poetry Inspiration: The Tradition By Assata
THE TRA­DI­TION Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry on the...
Review: @ArtisticHorde Presents: Remarque Prize
  A mild autumn even­ing presen­ted a gra­cious show of poets present­ing won­der­fully insight­ful pieces....
Interview With AWKWORD (@AWKWORDrap) !
Q. What came first act­iv­ism or rap? How import­ant is it for you to voice world
Review: Voices of Resistance — The Mixtape Vol...
From lively spoken word about women lib­er­a­tion to sooth­ing reg­gae music about racism, Voices of...