I need to start this review with a dis­claim­er. Speech Debelle changed my life. Some­times people
Review: Grandmaster Flash (@DJFlash4eva) Live...
Few people deserve the title ‘Legend’ quite as much as Grand­mas­ter Flash.  As a record­ing artist
The Essex Dream… An Interview With Cally...
  UK Hip-Hop is at an all-time high.  The fre­quency with which new tal­ent bursts in
Chatting about Roots and Rap with @FreddieGibbs
Indi­ana nat­ive Fred­die Gibbs is quite pos­sibly the most assidu­ous rap­per in the game.  Since...
Interview With Skanks The Rap Martyr...
Q. Tell us about your early hip-hop influences…there were some legends record­ing in your brother’s...
Interview With T Damien Anyasi from @HHL1m !
HipHop is every­where and we have all been uplif­ted by dif­fer­ent ele­ments of this cul­ture wheth­er
Exclusive Interview with Legendary @BlackThought...
  Since the start of their career, The Roots have pushed bound­ar­ies, set pre­ced­ents and reworked
A Sister With Soul… An Interview With Courtney...
The past year has cer­tainly seen the stakes rise in the female tal­ent pool. With estab­lished
Review: ‘Marshall Mathers LP 2’
After years spent hon­ing his craft in cut-throat rap battles in the bowels of Detroit, as
Review: ‘Superstars Of Hip Hop’ Ft....
Pho­to­graphy by Shar­jeel Ahmed  Novem­ber 2nd saw the Super­stars of Hip Hop event at Ham­mer­smith...
Review: Kapwon Artist ‘The Emerald’ EP
Hip-Hop has changed. There is no doubt or arguing that the artists most people would list
@AlternativeLdn Presents: If You Don’t Know,...
Last week I Am Hip-Hop checked out the open­ing night of East Lon­don exhib­i­tion ‘If You