Spokenword: Better Economy by Caleb Femi (@CalebFemi5)

Bet­ter Economy

How do you expect a boy to be loved

In a place where the strongest cur­rency is fear?

What does a six­teen year old boy say to a girl of just fifteen

Whose ears are only in tune to the fre­quency of voices

Belong­ing to those whose names syn­onymise with chaos?

How does he tell her that although his name is not the

Hot­test in the streets, there is a vol­cano the size of a small lantern

In his chest that will keep her warm when winter’s tor­ment descends

That will light her way when all oth­er light is water­boarded by the night?

And even though the night is dark and full of terrors

The Vesuvi­us in his chest will sum­mon the doom of Pom­peii to keep her safe.

Who does a six­teen year old boy turn to for con­firm­a­tion that the pure-of-heart

Is the bet­ter way? The bet­ter life­style because memor­ies of a hol­low-tip bullet

Pier­cing the rub­bery bar­ri­cade of skin and carving a fist­ful of flesh

Changes some­thing in a boy that can­not be changed back.

What man­ner of mon­ster, ghoul or night­mare does a six­teen year old need to become?

Who are the vic­tims that will raise his stocks of fear? Since fear is the strongest cur­rency here

And only those who are stocked up get their heart’s desire.

When will he see the counter pro­ductiv­ity of being the dev­il incarnate

To win the heart of an angel?

How many strokes of the minute hand should a boy count

Before refus­ing to send a text that reads

‘There is shrine for you in the heart of my heart and my soul stands guard of it’

Who will tell him that there is anoth­er way? Anoth­er place where girls

Go for boys who draw strength from truth and kindness

Not boys that grow strong from har­vest­ing fear from his brethren.

More press­ingly, who will tell a fif­teen year old girl that

She should not love for neces­sity. Ever.

When will she real­ise that being with a boy because every­one fears him

Does not make her safe but the most vul­ner­able she has ever been.

Who will show her that love is the bet­ter currency?

That lov­ing your­self is the bet­ter investment

And sav­ing your­self first is the bet­ter profit.

How will she train her ears to catch the faint tone of sin­cer­ity when

A boy tells her that he just wants to hold her, hold her close to him

So he too can feel what poets and song­writers feel when they speak of love.

In a place where the strongest cur­rency is fear,

How will they know that there is a bet­ter economy?

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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