Knowledge Session: Who Was Emiliano Zapata?
©‘Zapata Armado de Lata!‘by Artist Shalak, Brazil, Oct 2011  Emili­ano Zapata was born in...
Video: Apex Zero Ft OMeza And Kyra...
Apex Zero has been keep­ing the UK Hip Hop under­ground scene alive and kick­ing some ser­i­ous
Exclusive Interview With Brother Ali
  Socially aware hip hop heavy­weight Broth­er Ali was in Lon­don 22nd Novem­ber as part of
Review: Abstract Artists Present RU1 Fam EP...
The Jazz Café’s a ven­ue steeped in his­tory as deep as the best Blues and as
Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review
Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent”
The Person Behind the Artist: Interview with Otto...
Chilean artist Otto Schade is one of the few artists who uses his fine arts skills
Introducing Young Poet: Ankita Saxena
Ankita is a Lon­don based poet (BAR poet) who has recently begun per­form­ing. Check out her
Akala Knowledge Is Power Tour
“Hip hop nev­er star­ted in 1975. This is Afric­an tra­di­tion that has man­aged to sur­vive through,
The Person Behind the Turntables: Exclusive...
Q. We know about DJ Kent­aro, Japan’s greatest turn­tab­list, but we know little about you as
Modern Life, Historic Issues by Ranako (@NarkiP)
Mod­ern Life, His­tor­ic Issues Frus­tra­tion is the man­tra of the nation, Sub­jug­a­tion the tale through...
Poetry and Afrikan Surrealism. An Interview with...
Q. Your poetry cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics from polit­ics, social and his­tory. Why do you
Poetry + Video: Joelle Taylor ‘Crystal...
[youtube][/youtube]   CRYS­TAL KISSES Girls at the top Of ivory tower blocks Cut...