The Person Behind the Artist: Interview with Otto Schade

Chilean artist Otto Schade is one of the few artists who uses his fine arts skills to give us (the people), the oppor­tun­ity to appre­ci­ate a very tal­en­ted piece of art with free and easy access, as it is loc­ated in a street wall! Otto Schade many thanks for this oppor­tun­ity you are giv­ing us to know more about you here in The Per­son Behind the Artist.

Q. We had a look at your site and it really brought to our atten­tion the fact that it says Ottoc Schade — Chilean Artist, can you tell us why did you choose to out­line where are you from ? 

Well, actu­ally the web site was done by a Ger­man friend who decided to add the “Chilean Artist” after my name. Then I thought why not. Looks good.

che otto

Q. One of our favour­ite pieces from you is the Bob Mar­ley image, what does this piece mean to you? 

That piece was on the time I was rep­res­ent­ing music stars and to me Bob is a very peace­ful and strong image. Rep­res­ent peace, free­dom, fight and unity.

bob marley

Q. What do you nor­mally use as inspir­a­tion to cre­ate your artworks? 

I am always search­ing for new ways to be inspired. Whats always there is the sur­real way of rep­res­ent­ing things and messages.


Q. What do you think about the street art scene in London? 

The street art scene in Lon­don is one of the strongest in the world as there are many streets artists based here in east Lon­don. Since 2 or 3 years ago there are also street art tours around this area.

“Balanced View”

Q. What would be your advice to aspir­ing young artists? 

There are loads of street artists every­where. The import­ant thing is try to fol­low your instincts and do some­thing spe­cial, dif­fer­ent and unique that can give you sat­is­fac­tion doing it but at the same time be a sort of sign that people can recog­nize it.


 Otto Schade holds his latest solo exhib­i­tion at Hox­ton Gal­lery from the 21–31st March 2013. The show called “Hid­den Mes­sages” con­tains some of his most recent, clev­erly draf­ted, exclus­ively cre­ated art­work that will leave the view­er in a conun­drum with their con­science awakened by these thought pro­vok­ing images, which all elude to mes­sages that are not imme­di­ately notice­able but emphas­ize the troubles in our soci­ety. The show will be inter­spersed with some of his “Icon­ic Images” from his vast back catalogue.

For more images and info please vis­it : OTTO SCHADE WEBSITE

Offi­cial face­book: Osch aka Otto Schade


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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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