The Person Behind The Artist: Ali Golzad
Q. Hello Ali, Thank you for this oppor­tun­ity to talk about...
Talking About Resistance, Slavery &...
[youtube][/youtube] I Am Hip-Hop magazine, in asso­ci­ation with Glob­al­Fac­tion, met...
@TalibKweli on Obama’s Presidency And The...
Inter­view with Hip Hop artist Talib Kweli, dis­cuss­ing the role of gov­ern­ment, Obama’s pres­id­ency, the...
Who is Kapwon?
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? Abstract I guess, because I approach things from
Who is Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial)
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? It’s music with a motive. Some people
A Sister With Soul… An Interview With Courtney...
The past year has cer­tainly seen the stakes rise in the female tal­ent pool. With estab­lished
Guest: @JTheExodus & Eulogy to...
Anoth­er deep I Am Hip-Hop show fea­tur­ing J the Exodus in the stu­dio for the I
Introducing… Humble The Poet! (@humblethepoet)
It’s always a priv­ilege meet­ing an artist who is keep­ing the fun­da­ment­al roots of Hip Hop
Empowering Through Poetry: Get To Know G.Yamazawa...
Q. When did you start using poetry to express yourself? I began writ­ing rhymes when I
Introducing MC Angel (@mcangeluk)
Q. You star­ted as a poet per­form­ing at Lon­don’s Soho Theat­er. What then lead you to
Interview With JUICE ALEEM (@AleemSaRaSun) !
Q. You have been in the Hip Hop industry for quite a long time, how has
The Man Behind The Music — An Interview With I...
Q. What made you get into hip hop? From a very young I’ve been into music and