Introducing MC Angel (@mcangeluk)

Q. You star­ted as a poet per­form­ing at Lon­don’s Soho Theat­er. What then lead you to become a hip hop artist?

I always enjoyed music. I would rap and sing with my mum and her gui­tar. We did our first gigs togeth­er at the Roy­al Exchange in Cam­den. I was per­form­ing at Plan­et­mans event in May­fair and he got me to get a DJ and Beat­box­er DJ Shorty and Bass6 and we toured the coun­try sup­port­ing lots of uk hip-hop artists. I love the power of words and the power of music, hip-hop is the per­fect plat­form for rhyth­mic­al poet­ic expression.

Q. What mes­sages do you try and put out there with­in your music?

I aim to bring mes­sages of hope, peace and unity, to share my stor­ies and struggles hop­ing to inspire strength and cour­age for us to take con­trol of our lives.

Q. How affect do you feel hip hop can be at open­ing people’s con­cus­sion to what is hap­pen­ing around them on a daily basis?

Hip-hop as far back as the Gri­ots in Africa has been used as a tool to inform com­munit­ies of loc­al news. Now we live with the inter­net and can glob­ally com­mu­nic­ate hip-hop can open minds to inter­na­tion­al issues and spark a uni­fied voice for change. Hip-hop is a power­ful tool for strong voices to be heard, for those want­ing to listen to a broad­er con­science will be reached.

Q. Where do you draw your inspir­a­tion from with­in your music? 

Life is the biggest inspir­a­tion, con­nec­tions with oth­er people and artists. The spark when work­ing with an amaz­ing pro­du­cer and the ideas just flow from the divine. Hard­ships, les­sons, bless­ings the whole jour­ney, and want­ing the beat to feel the passion.

Q. You have set up Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged at Passing Cloud. For our read­ers could you explain what Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged is all about? 

Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged is a spoken word and hip-hop event is Dal­ston, ori­gin­ated as a spoken word event set up with a monthly ‘lyr­ic­al chal­lenge’ instead of being a slam where poets write to gain big points from the audi­ence, we work as a net­work to inspire each oth­er to write new pieces and to share in a wel­com­ing environment.

We are now a two floor event start­ing out with spoken word we then move into hip-hop, we have all 5 ele­ments rep­res­en­ted. Beat­box­ers, dan­cers, rap­pers, turntabeism, graf­fiti and sing­ers. Unit­ing the hip-hop com­munity speak­ing for free­dom through art forms. We have stalls where people sell their cre­ations at the event, pro­mot­ing a united com­munity cre­at­ing oppor­tun­it­ies and open­ing net­works. We have spoken word open mic, and hip-hop cyphers bring­ing back the old school with a circle to share rhym­ing wis­dom. Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged is a move­ment speak­ing up for change pro­mot­ing unity, shar­ing love!!

Q. Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged has just released their first mix tap. What can people expect from it?

Expect, hip-hop, drum n bass, dub­step, dub. Mixed and scratched by DJ Shorty. Lots of per­son­al stor­ies about over­com­ing our struggles, the mix­tape is called ‘trust your struggle’ that reflects in the music.

Expect real raw rap, deep con­scious lyr­ics, catchy hooks and soul­ful singing! Expect a music­al and lyr­ic­al journey.

Q. Lastly what can we expect from mc Angel in the future?

Inter­na­tion­al Inspir­a­tion­al artist, tour­ing the world per­form­ing and deliv­er­ing work­shops on liv­ing our dreams. Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged to be a glob­al hip-hop exper­i­ence, work­ing for ‘love and growth through hip-hop’.

Fol­low Mc Angel on twit­ter @mcangeluk

Arash Shari­fi

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Arash Sharifi

Arash has been pas­sion­ate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, edu­cate and empower people to become bet­ter ver­sions of them­selves and help and sup­port their com­munity and oth­ers. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teach­er to us all.

About Arash Sharifi

Arash has been passionate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, educate and empower people to become better versions of themselves and help and support their community and others. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teacher to us all.

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