Who is Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial)

Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop?

It’s music with a motive. Some people listen to a rap­per for their mes­sage, some for their word play, some for their flow; people listen to my music because I deliv­er all at once very com­fort­ably and con­sist­ently. My work deliv­ers a mes­sage whilst still remain­ing enjoy­able to listen to.

Music­ally, I am still exper­i­ment­ing with the types of pro­duc­tions I vocal but I am def­in­itely lean­ing away from the old Boom Bap sound and for­mu­lated song struc­tures. Right now I am all about tak­ing my con­tent and find­ing the most emotive and excit­ing back­drops for it!

Q.  How power­ful do you think hip hop is with­in the con­text of fight­ing against the powers that oppress us?

Here’s what I think:
1) If we are uni­fied and edu­cated then nobody can oppress us
2) The incred­ible power that music has in unit­ing and edu­cat­ing people is undeniable
3) I have come to learn that Hip Hop music is the most listened-to and pur­chased genre of music on earth

For these reas­ons it is eas­ily jus­ti­fied to say that Hip Hop as an art form holds massive influ­ence and our artists are some of the most power­ful people on earth

QLook­ing at your music videos and see­ing you per­form live, I don’t believe I have ever seen you wear any col­or apart from black. Is there a par­tic­u­lar reas­on behind this?

For the past three years I have only worn black and no oth­er col­or. I do this for two main reas­ons. Firstly, black is the col­or of mourn­ing; I mourn for my fam­ily being killed, glob­ally, every single day. Secondly, it serves as a daily remind­er of the ter­rible suf­fer­ing in the world and reminds me WHY I am doing what I do. Maybe it will inspire oth­ers too…

Q. You have set up a quarterly meet­ing called the Pro>Cypher. Could you speak a bit on what you would like to achieve with the Pro>Cypher?

Yeah, thanks for men­tion­ing it. For those who don’t know, the Pro>Cypher is a quarterly event where vari­ous mem­bers of the Hip Hop com­munity meet to dis­cuss the most import­ant issues that we feel need address­ing. The event is about self-reflec­tion as a com­munity so that we can move for­ward in a pos­it­ive and pro­gress­ive way. I would urge every­one read­ing to keep your eyes open for our next event and come through

Q. What are you cur­rently work­ing on?

I am happy to tell you that my new single “Move in the Moon­light” will be with you all very soon! It fea­tures vocals from Yemi Bolati­wa and pro­duc­tion from STG (Unit 137) Strong video too…shouts to Den­isha Anderson

Aside from the single, I have a mul­ti­tude of pro­jects pop­ping off from all sides. I have writ­ten a short film which I am devel­op­ing, some new inter­est­ing Spoken Word mater­i­al is sur­fa­cing and I am also deliv­er­ing lyr­i­cism and rap work­shops both nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally. Lot’s going on, keep updated at www.potentwhisper.com

Love and thanks
Potent Whisper

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Arash Sharifi

Arash has been pas­sion­ate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, edu­cate and empower people to become bet­ter ver­sions of them­selves and help and sup­port their com­munity and oth­ers. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teach­er to us all.

About Arash Sharifi

Arash has been passionate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, educate and empower people to become better versions of themselves and help and support their community and others. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teacher to us all.

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