OneMike Releases New Video For Latest Single...
OneMike, Own­er and Founder of Black Hoody Enter­prizes and Hip Hop artist, releases his latest single...
Who is Kapwon?
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? Abstract I guess, because I approach things from
Who is Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial)
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? It’s music with a motive. Some people
Interview With AWKWORD (@AWKWORDrap) !
Q. What came first act­iv­ism or rap? How import­ant is it for you to voice world
Review: @AbstraktArtists Presents: Natty,...
Camden’s Jazz Café is prob­ably the best live music ven­ue in Lon­don, with it’s intim­ate vibe
Interview With @Gambit_Ace
Q. How did you get star­ted in music? I first star­ted to make music at the age
Exclusive Interview: Guerrilla Republik...
Q. Thank you for the chance to inter­view you all. Could you tell us who Guer­rilla
Get to know Hasan Salaam (@HasanSalaam)
Q. 1. First off thank you for this inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us your
Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review
Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent”
Akala Knowledge Is Power Tour
“Hip hop nev­er star­ted in 1975. This is Afric­an tra­di­tion that has man­aged to sur­vive through,
Video: I Am Hip Hop Meet Onyx (@ONYX_HQ) !
I Am Hip Hop Magazine catch up with Onyx dur­ing their #Wake­dafucup tour. Onyx talk to
Get to know LMNZ (@LMNZ)
Q. First off thank you for this inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us your thoughts