Interview With @Gambit_Ace

Q. How did you get star­ted in music?

I first star­ted to make music at the age of 16 but had always been listen­ing to music before then as I had found my pas­sion for free styl­ing and star­ted at the age of 7.

Q. How has your life exper­i­ences influ­enced the music you make?

Music has influ­enced my life in a massive way to the point that I feel the best way to express my beliefs and emo­tions can only be through music and writ­ing lyrics.

Everything that hap­pens to me wheth­er it’s good or bad can be expressed into my music, and to have that abil­ity I would like to take a quote from the rap artist (Keith Mur­ray) and say “the most beau­ti­ful thing in the world is just like that”.

Q. You have made a sig­ni­fic­ant mark in the under­ground scene for your open mic and free­style per­form­ances. Has this opened up more doors for you?

I say that it has opened the ears of non believ­ers and for people who had no idea who Gam­bit Ace was.

One thing I learnt being a rap artist in the music scene is that you have to always give 100 % energy, believe in your product, and always remain yourself.

Some­times people or listen­ers will rate my “off the top” free­styles more than my writ­ten rhymes and believe me when I say that Im cool with that, but the reas­ons why I’m ok with that is because It makes me work more on my song writ­ing abil­it­ies and I also under­stand that I have a tal­ent in free styl­ing which is very rare right now for the aver­age rapper.

Q. I AM HIP HOP believe in tak­ing Hip Hop back to its roots, and edu­cat­ing listen­ers on world truths and social issues through the music. How import­ant is it for you to do this in your music? Do you have any par­tic­u­lar tracks that are conscious?

I have many tracks which are con­scious, and to be an MC or a rap artist I feel that you have to hold con­scious­ness with­in your soul. Not to box myself off or any­thing but I would class myself as a Hip Hop junkie, so as a rap artist myself I would­n’t be right in mak­ing music without a deep mean­ing with­in my messages.

Q. Tell us a bit about your mix­tape ‘The Livewire’? How long did it take for you to put togeth­er? What kind of tracks are on it?

The Livewire Mix tape is my first ever mix tape that I had cre­ated, pre­vi­ously I had made my first pro­ject which was released in 2009 called “So Sporad­ic­al” which was my first writ­ten EP.

So mak­ing the Livewire was great fun for the reas­on of using covered beats that I liked and enjoyed and had the chance to put my own con­cepts and sub­ject mat­ters together.

As always the tracks on the tape are real­ity based moments which have appeared in my life and also stor­ies which every listen­er can relate too. It is filled with high energy club tracks with com­edy ele­ments and strong listen­ing tracks for those who are into lyrics.

Q. What oth­er pro­jects are you work­ing on besides music?

Being involved in the per­form­ing arts world I am also an act­or. I gradu­ated from Mount view Drama school.

At the moment I am doing school tours, theat­er work and also TV commercials.

Q. When can we expect your album and what can we expect to hear on it?

For now you can listen to my cur­rent mix tape “The Livewire “which you can either stream for free or down­load it for free :

Also you can check out more of my music out at http://FTLOM.CO.UK

At the moment I am work­ing along­side rap artist “Mikey Smith” and we formed a col­lab­or­at­ive  move­ment called “FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC – F.T.L.O.M, and we are cur­rently work­ing on a pro­ject called “FTLOM VOL1” Which will be released in Septem­ber, so don’t miss out and look out for it!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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