Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review

Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review

The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent” sums up per­fectly Crazy Haze’s THC EP. With a mix­ture of up tempo flows on tracks like ‘Lost Angles in NY’ fea­tur­ing Mo Alpa­cino to the more chilled flow on the Dead Prez track fea­tur­ing The Nar­cicyst. The album takes the listen­er on a jour­ney from Crazy Haze’s inner thoughts to the killing of Smi­ley Cul­ture and his opin­ion on the police, Mal­colm X and Markus Garvey.

Each skit, which fea­tures the voice of rap­per DMX, sets the tone for the track that fol­lows it. It allows us to have an insight of the track that fol­lows before the lyr­ic­al flow of Crazy Haze hits our ears.

What is amaz­ing about THC is that it only took five days to put togeth­er. How many artists out there at the moment do you know that could put an EP of this qual­ity out in just five days? So keep a close eye on Crazy Haze because this EP is just a taste of what we can expect from his forth­com­ing album Hazelu­tion drop­ping in 2013.

Down­load your free copy of Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP from

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Arash Sharifi

Arash has been pas­sion­ate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, edu­cate and empower people to become bet­ter ver­sions of them­selves and help and sup­port their com­munity and oth­ers. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teach­er to us all.

About Arash Sharifi

Arash has been passionate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, educate and empower people to become better versions of themselves and help and support their community and others. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teacher to us all.

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