The Man Behind The Music — An Interview With I & IDEAL (@IdealArtist)

Q. What made you get into hip hop?

From a very young I’ve been into music and writ­ing poetry, and in sec­ond­ary school Grime/Garage music was a big thing amongst us kids, so l star­ted writ­ing lyr­ics and just doing it with friends at break times and out of school hours at com­munity pro­jects. Hav­ing grown up, and noti­cing the impact of the neg­at­iv­ity in the music I was tak­ing part in, I slowly got into Hip Hop, as I felt it was a lot more real, and I could express myself more so with it in a pos­it­ive way. I feel hip hop and all genres of music in gen­er­al play a big role with the life­styles people choose in today’s age, so I felt some­what respons­ible, so I made a con­scious decision to only imple­ment thought pro­vok­ing con­tent in my lyr­ics. I have always had my group around me, The Rebel Lions Of Cre­ation, who have been a big influ­ence to keep me pur­su­ing with music, and also have been a big influ­ence with the pos­it­ive changes I’ve made in my life that shows in my lyr­ics today.

Q. What mes­sage do you try to put out in your music?

Any mes­sage I feel needs expos­ure, is know­ledge­able or wise, or is pos­it­ive and will uplift those who listen, from vegan­ism, anim­al cruelty, gov­ern­ment cor­rup­tion, lack of equal rights and justice, spir­itu­al­ity, self-suf­fi­ciency, to just gen­er­al guid­ance.

Q. Where do you get your lyr­ic­al inspir­a­tion and know­ledge from?

My lyr­ic­al inspir­a­tion very much comes from artists such as Lowkey, Akala, Immor­tal Tech­nique, Lauryn Hill, Dami­an Mar­ley, Mav­er­ick Sabre, Dami­en Demp­sey, The Wolfe Tones and I’m sure there’s plenty more who have inspired me along my jour­ney.

My know­ledge has gathered over the years from reas­on­ing and research­ing with my friends and fam­ily. Also from watch­ing and attend­ing lec­tures (Gary Your­of­sky, John Har­ris, Sadguru, Ben Stew­art). Also through read­ing books such as ‘To Hell Or Bar­ba­dos — Sean O’C­allaghan’ to ’63 Doc­u­ments The Gov­ern­ment Does­n’t Want You To Read — Jesse Ven­tura’ to ‘Kemet­ic Diet — Dr Muata Ashby’ and as I came up in the inform­a­tion age, did a lot of search­ing online the inter­net to.

Q. Tell us about your recent tracks?

On the 13.3.13 I released my 14 Track-list CD ‘Odd One Out’ ( which has a mix of dif­fer­ent genres from acous­tic to spoken word, hip hop to reg­gae.

I have recently released offi­cial videos for tracks ‘Our Key’ Fea­tur­ing Con­cise Real­ity and ‘Keep Push­ing’ Pro­duced By Mover from the CD.

I have also released the lyr­ic videos to ‘Not In Our Nature’ Fea­tur­ing Vegan Act­iv­ist Gary Your­of­sky which is about bring­ing light to anim­al cruelty, and how vegan­ism is a more mor­al and health­i­er way to live, And the lyr­ic video for ‘Empress’ Fea­tur­ing Rastickz which is a Reg­gae / Hip Hop love song, talk­ing right­eously about our women, rather then down­grad­ing them like the com­mer­cial music industry com­monly does.

Q. What oth­er pro­jects you involved in out­side music?

Out­side of music, I run my own busi­ness ‘Con­scious Cov­er­age’ which spe­cial­ises in mer­chand­ise such as nat­ur­al body washes and soaps, nat­ur­al gem­stone jew­ellery and stones.  Also ‘Con­scious Cov­er­age’ cov­ers conscious/positive events with pho­to­graphy and I have an up and com­ing chan­nel broad­cast­ing tal­ent and know­ledge in all forms that is bene­fi­cial to the people.

I am also involved with a pro­ject cur­rently based in Strat­ford called ‘Feed The Future’. This pro­ject is for the com­munity to learn cook­ing skills, influ­ence more raw food eat­ing and also to learn deli­cious healthy vegan meals.

Odd One Out Avail­able Now -


Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhali­w­al

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal
Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.

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