It’s always a privilege meeting an artist who is keeping the fundamental roots of Hip Hop alive by using their music as a tool to provide a voice to the voiceless. Hailing from Canada , Humble The Poet lives up to his name, with no interest in being signed to a label, his music comes from the heart and his ears are fully tuned to the streets. I catch up with him to find out more!
Q.To those who have not heard of you, introduce yourself?
I go by the name Humble The Poet.. I am a Toronto based rhyme slinger who wants to shake your ass and your mind at the same time.
Q.How would you describe your sound?
A charming version of Lupe Fiasco or Immortal Technique.. I’m an evolved story teller and MC that embodies the diversity of my hometown of Toronto .
Q.Who were your biggest influences?
Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill &Dr.Suess
Q.How important is it for you to use music as a tool to voice your opinion on political issues and social awareness?
Music enables us to package a message which normally be never heard. I try not to be opinionative, but rather observant. I see myself as a flashlight bringing light to underrepresented perspectives and ideas more than an opinion that needs to be heard.
Q.Many conscious rappers take their cause and message beyond the music. Have you been involved or active in any social projects? Or are you planning on anything in the near future?
Before the music I was much more heavily involved in social projects, unfortunately I learned most of them are self-serving and exploitive of a cause for personal gain. Now we throw a music festival and donate the proceeds to the Canadian Cancer foundation + Doctors without borders. Our festival is a non-profit organization.
Q.What are your thoughts on the current state of Hip Hop? Are there any artists that stand out for you?
I love 2012 HipHop.. Kendrick Lamar (and the TDE fam), Lupe, Jay Electronica, Childish Gambino, Kanye is pushing the art forward to ensure we don’t go extinct like Disco.
Q.With the strong position mainstream media has when it comes to depicting ideas and news, do you feel that Hip Hop has the ability to be an alternative medium to mainstream media?
Not only does it have the ability, it already is. The media serves those who fund it, Hip Hop will always possess a strong local power to be the ear of the street.
Q.Tell us a bit about your mixtapes? Are there any tracks in particular that stand out for you?
I released a countdown series: — 00:05 , — 00:04 , — 00:03 and I’m currently working on — 00:02 … My biggest track to date is Baagi Music off — 00:03 , I did a unique rendition of Lil’Wayne’s “A Milli” on — 00:04 that I’m also proud of. I have a new single “Bhagat Singh/Malcolm X” I’m excited about as well.
Q.You have collaborated with many artists, are there any artists in particular that you have enjoyed working with?
Delhi based MidivalPunditz had a very profound influence on me, they reminded me to remain in Love with the music, and keep my mind and ears open for everything.
Q.What are you currently working on?
Musically I’m working to complete — 00:02 alongside my partner in crime Sikh Knowledge. I’m also working on non-music projects including my Web Content Platform
Q.Where can we find out more about you?
Download my app for Android/Iphone “Humble The Poet”
All my music can be downloaded FREE at