Introducing… Humble The Poet! (@humblethepoet)

It’s always a priv­ilege meet­ing an artist who is keep­ing the fun­da­ment­al roots of Hip Hop alive by using their music as a tool to provide a voice to the voice­less. Hail­ing from Canada , Humble The Poet lives up to his name, with no interest in being signed to a label, his music comes from the heart and his ears are fully tuned to the streets. I catch up with him to find out more!

Q.To those who have not heard of you, intro­duce yourself? 
I go by the name Humble The Poet.. I am a Toronto based rhyme slinger who wants to shake your ass and your mind at the same time.

Q.How would you describe your sound? 
A charm­ing ver­sion of Lupe Fiasco or Immor­tal Tech­nique.. I’m an evolved story tell­er and MC that embod­ies the diversity of my homet­own of Toronto .

 Q.Who were your biggest influences? 

Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill &Dr.Suess

Q.How import­ant is it for you to use music as a tool to voice your opin­ion on polit­ic­al issues and social awareness? 

Music enables us to pack­age a mes­sage which nor­mally be nev­er heard. I try not to be opin­ion­at­ive, but rather obser­v­ant. I see myself as a flash­light bring­ing light to under­rep­res­en­ted per­spect­ives and ideas more than an opin­ion that needs to be heard.

Q.Many con­scious rap­pers take their cause and mes­sage bey­ond the music. Have you been involved or act­ive in any social pro­jects? Or are you plan­ning on any­thing in the near future? 

Before the music I was much more heav­ily involved in social pro­jects, unfor­tu­nately I learned most of them are self-serving and exploit­ive of a cause for per­son­al gain. Now we throw a music fest­iv­al and donate the pro­ceeds to the Cana­dian Can­cer found­a­tion + Doc­tors without bor­ders. Our fest­iv­al is a non-profit organization.


Q.What are your thoughts on the cur­rent state of Hip Hop? Are there any artists that stand out for you? 

I love 2012 HipHop.. Kendrick Lamar (and the TDE fam), Lupe, Jay Elec­tron­ica, Child­ish Gambino, Kanye is push­ing the art for­ward to ensure we don’t go extinct like Disco.

Q.With the strong pos­i­tion main­stream media has when it comes to depict­ing ideas and news, do you feel that Hip Hop has the abil­ity to be an altern­at­ive medi­um to main­stream media? 

Not only does it have the abil­ity, it already is. The media serves those who fund it, Hip Hop will always pos­sess a strong loc­al power to be the ear of the street.

Q.Tell us a bit about your mix­tapes? Are there any tracks in par­tic­u­lar that stand out for you? 

I released a count­down series: — 00:05 , — 00:04 , — 00:03 and I’m cur­rently work­ing on — 00:02 … My biggest track to date is Baagi Music off — 00:03 , I did a unique rendi­tion of Lil’Wayne’s “A Milli” on — 00:04 that I’m also proud of. I have a new single “Bhagat Singh/Malcolm X” I’m excited about as well.

Q.You have col­lab­or­ated with many artists, are there any artists in par­tic­u­lar that you have enjoyed work­ing with? 

Del­hi based MidivalPun­ditz had a very pro­found influ­ence on me, they reminded me to remain in Love with the music, and keep my mind and ears open for everything.

Q.What are you cur­rently work­ing on? 

Music­ally I’m work­ing to com­plete — 00:02 along­side my part­ner in crime Sikh Know­ledge. I’m also work­ing on non-music pro­jects includ­ing my Web Con­tent Plat­form

Q.Where can we find out more about you? 

Down­load my app for Android/Iphone “Humble The Poet”


All my music can be down­loaded FREE at

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