A Sister With Soul… An Interview With Courtney Bennett (@CourtneyLDN)

The past year has cer­tainly seen the stakes rise in the female tal­ent pool. With estab­lished artiss like Jean Grae releas­ing ground-break­ing records and new­er females (from both sides of the Atlantic) like Angel Haze and Lady Leshurr put­ting out some incred­ible mater­i­al, it would seem that ‘girl power’ is back, this time in Hip-Hop. This per­fectly sets the stage for Lon­don sing­er-song­writer Court­ney Ben­nett to take the micro­phone. With her supreme tal­ent for both singing and rap­ping her career looks set to take off very soon. At just 20 years old her tal­ent belies her age, and the level she’s at already makes her future very exciting.

Last month we saw Court­ney live at Jazz Café, Cam­den and she blew us away with a mes­mer­iz­ing per­form­ance, really show­cas­ing her tal­ent. We caught up with her back­stage just before she went on….

Q. Hey Court­ney, good to meet you! How are you feel­ing about the show? Do you get nervous?

Yeah I’m cool, I’m not nervous right now, I love per­form­ing so I don’t get nervous really. I can’t wait to get out there!

Q. So, break it down for us, what do you want to do in your career?

I just wanna make good music, time­less music. I wanna bring back the 90s. I really want the focus to be about the music I make rather than any­thing else I do.

Q. Cool! Are there any artists par­tic­u­larly from that era that have influ­enced you?

Aaliyah, I love her, she’s been my biggest influ­ence, and every­one from that crew back then, you know, like Missy, Timbaland…

courtney bennett i am hip hop mag 2

Q. Have you always wanted to have a career in music?

Yeah…I can’t ima­gine doing any­thing else, I don’t wanna work a 9–5! Music’s forever…

Q. How do you go about writ­ing your ori­gin­al material?

A lot of the time I free­style when I write, it’s a cre­at­ive flow. I work with song­writers too.

Q. What’s next for you, any releases com­ing up?

Yeah my single ‘Motives’ is com­ing out in the next few weeks.

Q. Last ques­tion, if you could work with ANY­ONE, who would it be?



Pho­to­graphy by Rae Smith

Micky Roots


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Micky Roots

Micky roots is one of the edit­ors of I am hip hop magazine, a pure hip hop head and visu­al artist he brings his strong know­ledge of hip hop, social con­scious­ness & polit­ic­al con­cern to No Bounds.

About Micky Roots

Micky roots is one of the editors of I am hip hop magazine, a pure hip hop head and visual artist he brings his strong knowledge of hip hop, social consciousness & political concern to No Bounds.

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