Review: Abstract Artists Present RU1 Fam EP Launch + Guests (@RU1FAM)

The Jazz Café’s a ven­ue steeped in his­tory as deep as the best Blues and as illus­tri­ous as the most pro­found Hip Hop story. So, when RU1 Fam held their EP Launch at the Cam­den music mecca on Tues­day Novem­ber 26th, they were auto­mat­ic­ally weav­ing them­selves into a strong leg­acy of authen­tic­ally ori­gin­al live acts. Pro­moted by Abstrackt Artists who work in asso­ci­ation with KORI char­ity (, the event was atten­ded by an array of pro­gress­ive pos­it­ive music lov­ers; one and all were attent­ively engaged from begin­ning till the end of the show.

Open­ing for the crowd was enthralling soul sing­er JJ Soulx who came to share some of her new mater­i­al being cre­ated in pre­par­a­tion for a debut album in 2014. This young woman’s pure and pen­et­rat­ing vocals are com­bined with a mature writ­ing style that makes her a guar­an­teed star on the rise! The song Back to Basics in par­tic­u­lar has a poignance and power that belies JJ Soul’s years.

Tak­ing to the stage next were Afrik­an Revolu­tion who are a col­lect­ive of some of the best musi­cians the nation has to offer. They provide a hyp­not­iz­ingly mel­low and happy melt­ing pot of jazzy, reg­gae, acous­tic soul sounds all com­pli­men­ted by lyr­ics cel­eb­rat­ing Afric­an cul­tur­al her­it­age. Rolling seam­lessly through their set list, Asheber, the group’s majest­ic lead sing­er cap­tiv­ates crowds with his rising tones and empower­ing mes­sages. Watch­ing this band screams the need for open fest­iv­al fields so make sure you keep an eye out for their sched­ule this summer!

As Afrik­an Revolu­tion drew to a close, the RU1 Fam col­lect­ive assembled on the steps from the upper tier down towards the stage, as so many oth­er great acts have done in anti­cip­a­tion of gra­cing Jazz Café’s stage. Majic­al, Hunta Pro, Mer­cury, Watusi87 and Dan­Jah­Dan all bring word­play and exe­cu­tion that’s refresh­ingly altern­at­ive and excit­ing. All I can say is check out the mix­tape! Remin­is­cent of groups such as Slum Vil­lage, A Tribe called Quest, Ter­rafirma and more recently Hawk House, the col­lect­ive have hooks that’ll linger in your mind and punch lines that have you stunned on the spot. Real Life Hip Hop and RU1 are a couple tracks that’ll make a real impact but all of their songs are on point. A shout out must go to their pro­du­cers, No Name and MCM, whose beats we’re inter­preted impress­ively by Afrik­an Revolu­tion’s band that doubled as RU1 Fam’s live backing.

Klash­nekoff closed off the show with his famil­iarly poet­ic raps full of les­sons learned since his young­er years. Yet he also was able to reach back to his biggest hits that still res­on­ate with real hip hop fans to this day. Novem­ber 26th was an event that marks a not­able mile­stone for the RU1 Fam and the whole con­scious move­ment. Stay up to date with the music via the links below and grab a mix­tape when you come to the next show!

Also, remem­ber in the meantime…We Are One, One Love!!

RU1 Fam Face­book

Twit­ter @RU1Fam

KORI Char­ity

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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