Review: CJ Fly at @TheJazzCafe (@FLYestintheeERA
On stage promptly at nine o’clock, backed by a lone DJ, CJ Fly informs the crowd
New Album: Verbal Vision by Verbal Skillz...
VerbalVision by Verbal Skillz Verbal Skillz’s new album Verbal Vis­ion, is a must check to have
Exclusive Interview with Legendary @BlackThought...
  Since the start of their career, The Roots have pushed bound­ar­ies, set pre­ced­ents and reworked
Lyrics + Video: African — Big Cakes (@bigCAKES)...
Afric­an Verse 1 — Big Cakes: I’m an Afric­an, I come from Kemet We had the first heart
Album: @Lifemc — Sounds Of The Underground
Life MC just dropped and new album, ‘Sounds of the Under­ground’ a mix of unre­leased and new
New Mixtape: Street Games Vol.1(@hiphopchess)...
Hip Hop Chess Fed­er­a­tion presents:  Street Games Vol. 1 Mix­tape high­light­ing the con­nec­tions...
No Bounds Launch Pictures + Video !
With the aim of enga­ging dir­ectly with the youth, No Bounds organ­ised an event, in asso­ci­ation
Interview on Viva Venezuela!
This is our inter­view on the doc­u­ment­ary Viva Venezuela with Eth­e­sham who is part of RCG/FRFI.
Review: Voices of Resistance — The Mixtape Vol...
From lively spoken word about women lib­er­a­tion to sooth­ing reg­gae music about racism, Voices of...
Must Watch: Documentary Viva Venezuela —...
On  5  March 2013,  Hugo Chavez the pres­id­ent of Venezuela, and lead­er of the Bolivari­an...
Introducing Adam KG! (@adamkhangill)
I Am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell(9_lanabell) caught up with sev­en­teen year old spoken word per­former and
Weekly Wind-Up News with @ITCHFM
[youtube][/youtube] Weekly Wind-Up weekly news show is here! And in this weeks show Shante...