New Beat Tape: Fight To Win By @Agent_of_Change
Released on the 125th anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh, this beat tape samples
Album Review: Apex Zero Follows his Mixtape with...
  ‘Those who enjoy free­dom now don’t know the taste of it because they enjoy it
Video: Arms Trade by I & Ideal (@IdealArtist)
The arms trade.. Are paid.. To be selling, Destruct­ive weapons that are made.. To them its invest­ments,...
Joining The Call To Create (@RoundhouseLDN)
As as a young artist work­ing for a youth led char­ity, plus liv­ing in Lon­don which has a
Dead Celebrity Status has col­lab­or­ated with artists such as Joss Stone, Dave Nav­arro, Steph­en Per­kins,...
Rodney P ft Rebel Diaz, Logic, Big Frizzle &...
This has got to be one of the biggest col­lab­or­a­tions of the year. UK and USA
El Crisis & The Chosen Dummer — Freeman...
El Crisis and The Chosen Dum­mer take us back to the ori­gins of hip hop. We
Big Cakes ‘Its All Luv’ ! (@bigCAKES )
Sup­port REAL UK Hip Hop! Check out the latest album ‘Its All Luv’ from Big Cakes.
Free Mixtape: THE RECIPE by @SwamiBaracus
‘The Recipe’ con­tains 17 tracks, show­cas­ing the Baracuda’s lyr­ic­al prowess over a selec­tion of...
Hands Off Syria Pt3 By Marcel Cartier...
[youtube][/youtube] The bal­ance of forces in the world today the west claims they...
Spoken Words With NovaKane from The Sacrificial...
  Q. Is there much dif­fer­ence between NovaKane as an MC and NovaKane as a poet? Poetry
M.S.G (@rappermsg) FT RENEE SOUL- MANMOHAN...
The 3rd single taken from M.S.G.‘s soon to be released debut inde­pend­ent album — ‘Spd The