Introducing Fernquest ( @fernquestmusic )with...
22 year old record­ing artist from South Wales, Fernquest, has evolved and adap­ted in a big
Video: Big Cakes (@bigCAKES) ‘Black Jesus’
Taken from his album ‘Its All Luv’ Check out Big Cakes video ’ Black Jesus’ !...
Video: Good Morning by @IamArchetype &...
Troy & Arche­type’ s first offi­cial video. It shows the 2 emcees plan­ning their day and
Introducing : @UnitedVibration
 New EP ’ We Nev­er Die’ is Avail­able now! ‘Our sound is cyc­lic. Any lin­ear per­cep­tions...
Akala ‘Malcolm Said It’ (@akalamusic)
AKALA — Mal­colm Said It. From the new album ‘The Thieves Banquet’ ‘The Thieves Ban­quet’ out
New Music: Ibrahim Sincere ‘ZION’
Zion’ is the latest track by Ibrahim Sin­cere, pro­duced by ontheD; the col­lect­ive of artists which
Kickin’ It With TY (@tymusic) !
Q. What made you get into Hip Hop? I think i stumbled into hip hop before I
Lyrics: 0–100 by @TheOrator_UK
  <strong0-100 In my city unem­ploy­ment is kinda high, Thus we hustle to get by, wheth­er by
Close to a year after the release of his “Attack The Block” mix­tape, Talib Kweli deliv­ers
New Album: Zapatista by eMCee Killa & Grim...
Zapatista – Sup­port­er of the Mex­ic­an revolu­tion­ary force work­ing for social and agrari­an reforms and...
Inside the Mind of Rapper and Activist Marcel...
Q. First off thank you for the chance to inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us
Yaguar Aka JHT Returns Decolonizing Hip-Hop...
”Decol­on­iz­a­tion is the pro­cess to unlearn in order to RE-learn, and under­stand LIFE as a last