How Colombia’s Capital, Bogotá Proves That...
A few months ago, I took a trip to Bolivia after read­ing about the peace­ful­ness of
Video + Letra: Illmani ‘Saber es Poder’
[youtube][/youtube] Saber es Poder  Se deses­per­an, esper­ando profeta Se...
Yaguar Aka JHT Returns Decolonizing Hip-Hop...
”Decol­on­iz­a­tion is the pro­cess to unlearn in order to RE-learn, and under­stand LIFE as a last
#AnAttackOnUsAll End War On Zapatista Communities...
Sum­mary of recent events: On May 2, 2014, in the Zapatista ter­rit­ory of La Real­id­ad, Chiapas,
Documentary: Ukamau Y Ke! — Indigenous Hip-Hop...
[youtube][/youtube] Watch a doc­u­ment­ary made before his death : WE...