Lyrics + Video: African — Big Cakes (@bigCAKES) FT Big Frizzle (@Burgundybrick) & Tantrum (@Tantrumartist)

big cakes i am hip hop magazine

Verse 1 — Big Cakes:

I’m an Afric­an, I come from Kemet
We had the first heart sur­geons and chemists
And para­med­ics but your teach­ers won’t tell it,
Even if it made pees the shops won’t sell it
But I’m an Afric­an there’s melan­in in my skin
Nappy hair please put it in your magazine,
Dressed in Afric­an clothes and my swag­ger­’s mean
Shout to Mar­tin ’cause that broth­er had a dream
I’m an Afric­an I come from plenty,
How we gonna have noth­ing? That ain’t how its meant to be
Over cen­tur­ies kept my people held back
Tell us how we need char­ity but they don’t tell us that
Every war torn coun­try in Africa
Does busi­ness with the west while its get­ting massacred.
But I’m an Aric­an so I gotta say that
Fuck the DJ if he ain’t gonna play that

Chor­us — Big Cakes & Big Frizzle:

I sing this song for the motherland
I’m send­ing it to my sis­ters and my brother-man
We gotta stay unified
They can­’t divide if we recog­nise you and I

I sing this song for the motherland
I’m send­ing it to my sis­ters and my brother-man
We gotta stay unified
They can­’t divide if we recog­nise you and I

Verse 2 — Tantrum:

Where’s the blood line? I said where’s the blood line
When its our blood line that begun kind
So some times die inside of some kind, hold­ing a long cry
We was here from the begin­ning we begun time
Black fossils and black sculp­tured pieces is all that they come fine
Yes black is what u come from, this is your spe­cies now confine
Cause sci­ent­ist speak­ing til nuff facts they preach­ing become lies
Now they claim­ing us cro magnon, sit­ting in the pyramids
Cause they hold the faith of the whole kind
An’ the goods gotta suf­fer for the bad its just how its goes most time
Now we liv­in in the dirt of our gold mines but where’s all that gold filed
When my peoples starving in Africa, cry­ing n hop­ing hope don’t die


Verse 3 — Big Cakes & Tantrum

Born in West Africa, God bless Africa
Noth­ings really changed the West still stress Africa
I’m an Afric­an proud to be one
But the feel­ing’s not mutu­al when I see some

We broke the chains off escape them to go fine
Some­thing divine that’s sowed up in the grape vine
An’ still they move­ments ain’t so kind,
But when our Afric­an seeds rest in peace I know their souls fine

We’re get­ting deaded outta jeal­ousy and envy
And cockblock our next gen­er­a­tions entry
Got more black people in the penitentiary
Than they employ and that aint how its meant to be

I guess once we were so blind
We allowed infilt­rates to our own minds
And now we gotta spring back from dirt just to grow vine
My people gotta lift up to the most high, ca’ we been suf­fer­ing the most time


Outro — Big Cakes & Big Frizzle


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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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