There’s an engross­ing new series cir­cu­lat­ing the inter­net called ‘Your Decision’. Cre­ated by Chiba...
Knowledge Session: Who Was Marcus Mosiah Garvey?
Mar­cus Mosi­ah Gar­vey was born on August 17, 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica.  Greatly influ­enced
Knowledge Session: Who was Edwin
Ellis was born in Har­lem, Decem­ber 1941. In 1969, Ellis was dir­ect­or of Com­munity Rela­tions for
Knowledge Session: Fred Hampton “Power Anywhere...
POWER ANY­WHERE WHERE THERES PEOPLE! Power any­where where there’s people. Power any­where where there’s people....
Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed By
With your bonuses and expenses You shoveled down your throat Now you bit the hand that fed you Dear
Taylor Bee, Hip Hop Queen, Raising Awareness...
Taylor Bee is a woman, CEO, Entre­pren­eur, and Act­iv­ist who lives her life ded­ic­ated to Hip
Must Read: Australian Aboriginal Rappers (Free...
Free book on Abori­gin­al Hip-Hop! The second edi­tion of the crit­ic­ally-acclaimed book REAL TALK:...
Knowledge Session: Speech By Stokely Carmichael,...
Soon after he was named chair­man of the Stu­dent Non-Viol­ent Coördin­at­ing Com­mit­tee (SNCC), Stokely...
Why You Shouldn’t believe Social Media News...
You’re brows­ing your timeline, cas­u­ally while wait­ing for a friend and sud­denly – BAM!! A head­line
Interview With The Founder Of Urban Lawyers Tunde...
Urb­an law­yers is a Lon­don based organ­isa­tion that works with loc­al com­munit­ies, agen­cies and law...
Knowledge Session: The Life Of Chris Hani
  Chris Hani, born Mar­tin Them­bisile Hani (28 June 1942 – 10 April 1993) was the
Vídeo : “No Justice, No Peace!” — Jonny...