Taylor Bee, Hip Hop Queen, Raising Awareness Through the Lost Element of Knowledge @BeeTV

Taylor Bee is a woman, CEO, Entre­pren­eur, and Act­iv­ist who lives her life ded­ic­ated to Hip Hop and pay­ing trib­ute to the cul­ture via edu­ca­tion and elev­a­tion.  In a world some­times con­sumed with neg­at­iv­ity and fears, it is refresh­ing to cel­eb­rate an empower­ing leader! 


MJ:  First and fore­most let me begin by quot­ing a simple motto of yours that invites women every­where to shine, “Queenz Up!”  How did this simple yet pro­found motto evolve?

TB: Well first and fore­most thank you for hav­ing me on MJ, and let me com­mend you on the great work that you do. You are a true war­ri­or for artists and Hip Hop as a whole, so Queenz Up to you! We know Hip Hop is male dom­in­ated like so many oth­er things, and often times we as women in the industry are pit­ted as com­pet­it­ors against one anoth­er. I wanted the women in the industry to have a stronger bond in sis­ter­hood rather than always feel­ing like we have to com­pete with each oth­er. Most people know that I am affil­i­ated with Hell Razah, Queen The Proph­et, and GGO.  Razah’s coined phrase is Wingz Up, so I star­ted say­ing Queenz Up, nat­ur­ally as a way to salute the ladies and build camarader­ie with one anoth­er. Every­one loved the idea and “Queenz Up” has been spread­ing ever since!

MJ: You are an amaz­ing woman who sup­ports so many oth­er empowered women in both per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al jour­neys, hence “Queenz Up”.  Do you feel you are embraced by oth­er women, young women, and teenagers?

TB: In most of my exper­i­ences yes, I am embraced by most of the young women I meet. I have encountered a great deal of young women who are so smart and have so many ideas and poten­tial and some who are already bring­ing those ideas to fruition becom­ing young Entre­pren­eurs. As far as peers in the industry there have been some not so pleas­ant ener­gies but that’s okay too that’s why I stay pos­it­ive and con­tin­ue to push “Queenz Up”. I feel every­one brings some­thing dif­fer­ent to the table and there is room for us all, I want us all to win.

MJ: Take it back for us. When did you first fall in love with Hip Hop? At what point in your life did that love trans­form into a mis­sion for you?

TB: Well I am a true Hip Hop head! I can remem­ber first listen­ing to Hip Hop, the real emcees were on the scene like KRS One (who is my birth­day twin), Rakim, and BDK.  So that is the era I remem­ber start­ing out and peace to all the real ones! But I would be amiss if I don’t men­tion the Wu-Tang Clan which is my favor­ite group of all time.  I feel in love with Hip Hop for real when I heard Meth­od Man spit­ting M.E.T.H.O.D. MAN! It was a wrap after that, and I’ve been die hard Wu fan ever since. In 2014 is when I really star­ted enga­ging with­in the industry and met Hell Razah and everything I’ve done since sparked from that.

MJ: I want to talk about BEE TV, which is an incred­ible plat­form for so many people of all walks of life! Give us the who, what, when, where, how, and why of BEE TV.

TB: So Bee TV is my second child! I have always been the one to dig deep­er and want to find the truth about real black his­tory and over­all truth about the world. I was pro­mot­ing for Hell Razah at the time and on my page all you would see is my pro­mo­tion and things about world his­tory and injustices and dif­fer­ent things like that. Some­thing was brew­ing in me and I felt I needed a big­ger plat­form to let it all out. So I came up with Bee TV: A Plat­form for the Truth, this was in June of 2016. Our Mis­sion is to fuse con­scious Hip Hop with the truth in order to raise aware­ness in the com­munity. My first inter­view was with The Mighty Hebrew, and we did the inter­view in a park in North Philly and it was amaz­ing and was so well received. The rest is his­tory from there!

MJ:  Being a woman who absorbs each ele­ment of Hip Hop as a way of life, I’m very curios to learn your thoughts on the stance of Hip Hop in 2018, from the music to the culture.

TB: Well I believe the music and the cul­ture go hand in hand, and that is what wor­ries me about Hip Hop in 2018. I believe the con­tent that is being force fed to the masses is not real Hip Hop, rather a genre of rap that I clas­si­fy as Trap/Pop Rap. I would not dis­respect real emcees and the cre­ativ­ity that they all branded by call­ing this main­stream trap/pop genre Hip Hop. I’m old school and biased and I don’t have a prob­lem stat­ing that. I also feel as though these artists don’t even really pay homage or respect the older Gods of Hip Hop. So I have a strict policy of NO Trap/Pop genre music on my show, peri­od! It is okay to have fun in Hip Hop and have a bal­ance but their music in my opin­ion is straight pois­on, everything from the fre­quency of the beats to the not so lyr­ic­al con­tent. I would be a hypo­crite to have a plat­form pro­mot­ing teach­ing and elev­a­tion and then play some of what’s being pushed out now by the major­ity of artists today.

MJ: What is under­way for Taylor Bee? What are some upcom­ing pro­jects or busi­ness endeavors we can look for­ward to?

TB: Bee TV has a lot in store this year! The Mini Series Bee Cause starts in March (offi­cial date TBD). The oth­er Mini Series are open for Artists and Entre­pren­eurs as well. I am col­lab­or­at­ing on a pro­ject with Uneeke Ken­et­ic, an artist from Trenton, NJ. “Hid­den Know­ledge” volume 3 (drop­ping this sum­mer), will fea­ture myself on the entire album, and I have a few solo joints on there includ­ing the theme music that I wrote for Bee Cause. I am very excited about writ­ing music again. That is some­thing I thought I would not do again, and I have to say I owe that to Hip Hop class of 2018 (lol).  it is so hor­rible now that it sparked me to come out of hiberna­tion, and I wanted theme music for my show so who bet­ter to write it than me?! Also the God Uneeke Ken­et­ic sparked me and my cre­ativ­ity has been flow­ing ever since.

MJ: “3 game”, play along …3 artists in your per­son­al playl­ist? 3 influ­ences, per­son­al or music­ally? 3 places you would like to bring BEE TV to?

TB: 3 Artist in my per­son­al playl­ist are Hell Razah, Wu-Tang Clan, and Nas. 3 influ­ences both pro­fes­sion­ally and music­ally have to be Hell Razah, Rza, and Free­dom Fight­ing Ancest­ors.  3 places you will find Bee TV is run­ning pro­grams that teach the youth the true and prop­er his­tory, as well as giv­ing them life les­sons to help sur­vive in this world.  Bee TV will also grow to be a known pil­lar in the com­munity for bring­ing empower­ment and unity to all people! Finally, I’d like to see the Mini Series syn­dic­ated and being listened to by the masses, we all need more pos­it­iv­ity in our lives!

MJ: As we wrap up is there any­thing else you want the world to know about Taylor Bee?

TB: I just want to let every­one know that any­thing you put your mind to is pos­sible. Don’t let neg­at­iv­ity and naysay­ers make you bury your dreams and aspir­a­tions! I do this from the heart and for the people, my word is my bond, and I want us all to win. Let’s learn how to sup­port one anoth­er and genu­inely build a bet­ter tomor­row for the babies! Thank you MJ for the oppor­tun­ity to get my mes­sage out there! #Wing­zUp #Queen­zUp

MJ: Thank you for tak­ing the time out for this inter­view, Queenz Up!





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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!