Interview: IAHH Meet Isaiah Dreads
I am Hip Hop Meet Isai­ah Dreads. Boast­ing an impress­ive array of taste­m­aker plat­forms that sup­port...
Event: Lowkey Returns To The UK Hip...
Lowkey is an award-win­ning rap­per, poet, play­wright and polit­ic­al act­iv­ist. Hav­ing gained huge acclaim...
The Roots — Bread and Butter (Album Game
[youtube][/youtube] Yeah, through the sirens, the lights is blinding Battle cries sound...
The Chronicles Of The Turntablist, DJ...
In 2000 years from now, it’s reas­on­able to think that Hip Hop’s story will be con­tained
A Manifesto – A Response to Macklemore and Ryan...
“…these are the words that I mani­fest. I Mani­fest.” – Gang Starr, Mani­fest (No More Mr.
Life, Music, And Career of Hip Hop’s TorGuide...
In Hip Hop con­text, how would you define the title, Lyr­i­cist? Here’s my submission:...
Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Big Frizzle —...
Totally did not expect that trappy beat to hit my speak­ers, on GlobalFaction’s chan­nel that is
Classic! #GlobalFaction presents… Logic &...
One is a heavy, heavy track, that much is un-doubt­able. With Amy’s elev­ated har­mon­ies and lyr­i­cism
Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Space Boy Troy...
Eth­er­e­al chords creep in, the touch­down is simple, unpre­sum­ing, “yeah I wanna spread peace, love and
Rap vs Hip Hop: What is the difference?
For dec­ades, the debate has ensued about what pre­cisely the real dif­fer­ence is between rap music
Who is Kapwon?
Q. How would you describe your style of Hip Hop? Abstract I guess, because I approach things from
Album: @Lifemc — Sounds Of The Underground
Life MC just dropped and new album, ‘Sounds of the Under­ground’ a mix of unre­leased and new