Interview: IAHH Meet Isaiah Dreads (@IsaiahDreads)


I am Hip Hop Meet Isai­ah Dreads. Boast­ing an impress­ive array of taste­m­aker plat­forms that sup­port him, the young West Coun­try rap­per has fed in to the shift­ing cul­ture of the UK under­ground scene that are now break­ing the rules and doing things their way. Isai­ah took his career in to his own hands from a very early age as he pitched him­self to the organ­isers of Gla­ston­bury on the basis he was a loc­al tal­ent. The punt and the hard work paid off as he was awar­ded a slot on the world-fam­ous fest­iv­al at the age of just 15 and now three years later, in 2016, he makes a wel­comed return to the Blues stage. We catch up with him to find out more! 

You talk about your­self being a “teen with a vis­ion”, so Isai­ah what is your vision?

When I say I”m a teen with a vis­ion Im talk­ing about how I know exactly what I want to do with my life and that’s music. I want build my fan­base and improve the way I write…my vis­ion is mak­ing time­less music.

Your from the coun­try and not an urb­an area such as Lon­don city, how is this reflec­ted in this music?

Com­ing from the coun­try and not a city has def­in­itely reflec­ted in the way I write. Day to day is dif­fer­ent where I live, it’s quiet and there’s not much going on..there’s a lot of things I can’t relate with when it comes to music writ­ten by someone from the city but it’s cool any­way. It gives me the chance to talk about things not many oth­ers have talked about and give more people a chance to relate.

If you could choose the Prime Min­is­ter who would you place in that position?

Santan Dave!

You have got lyr­ics about inspir­ing people to love them­selves for who they are, why do you think self-worth is so important?

I think accept­ing who you are is import­ant because in this era social media expects so much per­fec­tion from every­one and it’s not just how people look…it’s how many likes someone gets. It’s like every­one wants to spend their life try­ing to be someone else without being who they really are. That’s why I talked about the top­ic on the second part of my Fire in the Booth, I think it’s an import­ant thing for people to realise.

If you could say one thing to your fans, what would it be?

Look out for everything I’ve got com­ing out over the next year. I’ve been work­ing on a load of new music, grime and hip hop and I think it’s some of my best work yet so i’m really excited for every­one to hear it.

What was your exper­i­ence in school and how has that shaped your music­al progression?

I nev­er really enjoyed school but I think it was just because I was so focused on music. I put so much time into writing/production after school and on week­ends that when it came to being in class I would just want to be in the stu­dio again. I think this def­in­itely helped though because I think cur­rently my writ­ing is bet­ter than it ever has been.

Sum your­self up in 3 words that best describe you?

Ded­ic­ated, Cre­at­ive, Tall


What was it like going on “Fire in the booth” and what have you learnt from that experience?

Doing a Fire in the Booth was sick because it’s some­thing I’ve wanted to do since I was young, I felt like I was so pre­pared to go in there and do what I needed to do because I’d wanted to do it for so long. I did it over 6 months ago now and watch­ing back it’s really good pick­ing up on things I could maybe change the next time I do a free­style. Lyr­ic wise and flow wise

Your clearly an ambi­tious indi­vidu­al, where do you envi­sion your­self in 5 years?

I don’t know exactly where I think I’ll be in 5 years but I’d just like to have improved. I aim to do gigs out­side of Eng­land wherever that may be and have a lot of new music avail­able for people to listen to. It’ll be excit­ing to see what hap­pens over the next 5 years though.

If you weren’t a rap­per, what oth­er jobs do you think you would do well at?

If I did­n’t make music I’d prob­ably want to be a chef or some­thing. I can­’t cook at all but I like food so I think that’s a good start.

Offi­cial Links:  Twit­ter:  || I.G:   


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Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.