Arriv­ing at Jazz Café on Sunday night was a great feel­ing as I’d been many times before and have really come to appre­ci­ate the his­tor­ic ven­ue. The Jazz Café in Cam­den is well known for play­ing top-notch live music 7 days a week, slap bang in the heart of Cam­den Town it is close to everything and always has a broad spec­trum of acts on in the week from gos­pel, elec­tro, house to RnB which of course is GRAMMY win­ning artist Mario Win­ans speciality.Mario achieved UK fame and wide­spread appeal with the num­ber one single ‘I Don’t Wanna Know’, which fam­ously sampled Fugees’ 1996 hit single “Ready or Not”. This event was one of many stops of Mario Win­ans UK tour, one of the smal­ler more intim­ate shows before he goes onto his next show at the 02 Isling­ton before fly­ing out to Aus­tralia to shut it down, down under.

The event was a com­plete suc­cess with a packed crowd of dare I say 90s babies, there was lovely ambi­ence, friendly vibes and drinks flow­ing from 2 bars. The night was kicked off by the soul­ful and enga­ging two­some that is NULA, com­prised of a tal­en­ted sing­er and con­tem­por­ary live per­cus­sion­ist. NULA made for a truly com­pli­ment­ary warm-up that gave the room shivers, def­in­itely one to watch, go to You­tube to check their hit new single “Mutu­al” out now!

By the time that Mario Win­ans hit the stage the energy was very high and the dance­floor was packed. Through­out the night he meandered through a mix of a his new tracks and old clas­sics like “I Don’t Wanna Know” which every­one in the crowd sang along too. There were magic­al moments where he dropped exclus­ive acapel­las live which the fans abso­lutely loved, it is exper­i­ences like this that make me feel that there will always be a clear place for live music even with the advent of OTT stream­ing and glob­al distribution.

In sum­mary it was a fant­ast­ic event with cur­ated tal­ent from USA and Lon­don, Mario did not cease to impress neither did his sup­port­ing act NULA, both of these acts I want to see on stage again soon.

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Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.