Last Thursday marked the launch of Joe Armon-Jone’s new Album “Turn To Clear View”, powered by the scenes favour­ite, Unit 137 Sound Sys­tem and a num­ber of their artists and cohort!

The energy was very high even from the queue out­side, Elec­tric Brix­ton is a well known ven­ue and it pulls in a diverse crowd in terms of age, interests and demo­graphy. Situ­ated right the heart of the Brix­ton strip, the ven­ue has been around for years and has seen the likes of Roddy Rich, Sub Focus, Chan­nel One Sound Sys­tem, Luciano and many oth­er accred­ited artists touch it’s stage.

At Elec­tric Brix­ton there are usu­ally just one main stages. This night had a spe­cially cre­ated DJ booth in the middle of the dance floor and the main stage, true to sound sys­tem cul­ture and optim­ised for the artists and crowd too. The night star­ted off by the DJ booth with top acts like Sleepy Time Ghost (Unit 137 — DJ/Producer), Max­well Owin, Hylu, Ed West, Shumba Youth, Daddy Freddy, Dav­id Boomah, Deemas J and many others.

One of the most not­able per­form­ances from the first half was Shumba Youth who brings a really unique energy to the dance, he is an inter­est­ing char­ac­ter with smooth reg­gae tones and a great voice that really got the crowd moving.

Mov­ing onto some of Jungle’s most well-known names Dav­id Boomah and Daddy Freddy, you know what you are get­ting here, big lyr­ics with a con­scious mes­sage delivered with per­fect style and tim­ing. Dav­id Boomah who is cel­eb­rat­ing 30 years as an artist this year brings a clas­sic and soul­ful vibe,  Daddy Freddy anoth­er gen­er­al with dec­ades in the game is known for his rugged and rough sound that goes so well with the music and really gets the crowd in the mood for more.

As the night warmed up the focus went to the main stage where Joe Armon-Jones and his entour­age of artists warmed things of rendi­tions of new singles from his album “Turn To Clear View”.

On the main stage it really was a sight to behold, there were such a wide range of tal­ent, vibes and instru­ments. There was Joe on the fend­er rhodes and key­boardreel­ing of com­plex riffs it seemed effort­lessly, the tal­en­ted drum­mer Kwake Bass who dipped into numer­ous inspired solos, Mutale Chashi on the bass gui­tar, Nubya Gar­cia and Ige Ogun­jobi on sax­o­phone, topped of by the sweet sweet sounds of sing­er Asheber.

The eclect­ic mix of artists, the heav­ily packed arena, dan­cing and good vibes really are a test­a­ment to Joe’s recog­ni­tion and love with the scene. I am cer­tain his Album “Turn To Clear View” is going to be a massive suc­cess. He is has numer­ous stops in his UK & Europe tour, com­ing to a city near you soon.

For those who missed the event, you can buy the album or find his next show near you on his web­site:



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Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.