I recently enjoyed an exclus­ive pre­view of X‑SAVIOUR’s debut album “The Roy­al Secret” (pic­tured above), which offi­cially releases on all plat­forms as of the 7th of July 2020.

X‑SAVIOUR is a ver­sat­ile artist from South Lon­don who explores and expresses him­self across a vari­ety of lyr­ic­al top­ics, through many styles of deliv­ery and demon­strates flu­ency in mul­tiple genres. X‑SAVIOUR suc­cess­fully cre­ates an impact with “The Roy­al Secret” as he effort­lessly takes you on a music­al jour­ney that cov­ers many deep and con­tro­ver­sial top­ics includ­ing the occult, free­ma­sonry, con­scious­ness, spir­itu­al­ity, slavery, his­tory, and much more.

The album (which is pro­duced exclus­ively by Crayzee Ban­ditt) encap­su­lates many sep­ar­ate stor­ies, per­spect­ives and his­tor­ic­al accounts. It is abstract in its very nature, a refresh­ing sound that amal­gam­ates ele­ments of the­at­ric­al per­form­ance, singing, con­scious hip hop, grime flows and even spoken word too. You don’t hear much talk of self but abstrac­tions about ideas, cul­tures, proph­ecies, his­tor­ic­al and future events and a lot sym­bol­ic and reli­gious imagery is heard through­out the album.

The standout tracks in my opin­ion are “Asia” — for its beau­ti­ful melod­ies, inspir­ing chor­us and nar­rat­ive, “Divine Awaken­ing” for its rhythm, imagery and emo­tion, and “Scrolls” as it has some fant­ast­ic storytelling, a very catchy hook and a mean­ing­ful message.

In sum­mary, ‘The Roy­al Secret’ offers a pion­eer­ing sound and a the­at­ric­al energy that leaves the listen­er want­ing more. Fit­tingly, the album has been sub­mit­ted for the Hyundai Mer­cury Prize 2020. Mer­cury announce their ‘Album of the Year’ short­l­ist on the 23rd July.… Watch this space!

Before you go, make sure you check X‑SAVIOUR’s #WORD­SMITH Freestyle:

@X_Saviour on Ins­tagram @XXXSaviour on Twitter

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Adam KG

Adam KG, is con­scious Hip Hop artist hail­ing from Lon­don City whilst walk­ing the world’s pave­ments. He is inter­ested in the enter­tain­ment and media sec­tor, youth work and hol­ist­ic health.

About Adam KG

Adam KG, is conscious Hip Hop artist hailing from London City whilst walking the world's pavements. He is interested in the entertainment and media sector, youth work and holistic health.