DENT Dam­age Enter­tain­ment Netwerk Tele­vi­sion is a digit­al TV net­work cre­ated by Dav­id Indikat­or Fuller of Dam­age Enter­tain­ment, LLC. Dam­age TV began as an out­let to pro­mote his flag­ship tv show, Enter The Zone, which premiered in August 2005. Since that time, as tech­no­logy evolved, so did the goal and mis­sion.  In Janu­ary 2015 Dam­age TV went live and fea­tured Enter The Zone TV, as well as video shows, Island Fla­vors and Street Sounds Video, both pro­duced by Mike Brax­ton of Get Money Filmz.

Oth­er shows on the net­work include The Busi­ness, where the entre­pren­eurs are the stars, Real Edu­ca­tion Tele­vi­sion (R.Ed.TV) where edu­ca­tion and classroom instruc­tion is the focus and is hos­ted and exec­ut­ively pro­duced by Dr. R. A. Slaughter PhD and Book­store TV, a TV show for authors and writers hos­ted and exec­ut­ively pro­duced by Dr. R.A. Slaughter and Dav­id Indikat­or Fuller. That show was inspired by Pulitzer Prize win­ner, Charles Fuller.

There is also a movie chan­nel that fea­tures inde­pend­ent film shorts as well as oth­er pro­gram­ming. The net­work and its shows have been fea­tured on Com­cast, Ver­i­zon, Dish, Dir­ecTV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Prime, as well as tele­vi­sion sta­tions includ­ing WWJT TV, WMCN 44 and WACP TV4. “We are look­ing to add oth­er con­tent cre­at­ors and shows to the net­work this year and can be con­tac­ted via social media links as well as” 

DENT Dam­age Enter­tain­ment Netwerk Television

Phil­adelphia, PA

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!