The Chronicles Of The Turntablist, DJ Rob Swift

robIn 2000 years from now, it’s reas­on­able to think that Hip Hop’s story will be con­tained and access­ible in a col­lec­tion of texts that are as sig­ni­fic­ant as the Bible, the Qur­an, the Torah, the Trip­itaka, and the Vedas. In our sac­red Hip Hop text, I fore­see the open­ing sen­tence read­ing as follows:

“In the begin­ning, there was the DJ [or Disc Jockey/Crowd Controller/Cut Master/Mix Mas­ter]. For thou extremit­ies, serving as an exten­sion of thine heart and pro­ject­ing the pas­sions con­tained with­in thine soul, con­trolled the emo­tion of the crowd, and quelled the col­lect­ive angst.”

I grant you that my zeal for the Hip Hop DJ is per­haps extreme [and even blas­phem­ous based on the read­er] but it is appro­pri­ate. Hip Hop cul­ture star­ted with the Disc Jockey. And it would be because of this found­a­tion­al role, Hip Hop would be con­ceived and nur­tured into the glob­al power­house of a cul­ture that so many of us have come to sup­port and love. But like any­thing else that is nur­tured, it inev­it­ably matures and morphs into some­thing that is an exact mani­fest­a­tion of its own hopes and dreams. And that is a refined, highly skilled, and pro­gressed ver­sion of its pre­de­cessors and young­er self.

With cer­tainty, it can be stated that Hip Hop’s DJ Pion­eers hoped for the pro­gress­ive­ness of the dis­cip­line and abso­lutely, DJ Rob Swift has con­trib­uted to lead­ing the effort of ful­filling these hopes. More than a DJ, Rob Swift is a skilled Turn­tab­list; a musi­cian of sorts whose instru­ment­a­tion is a res­ult of his skill­ful and admired manip­u­la­tion of sound through a care­fully craf­ted and honed technique.

This week on TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend) Radio, D.D. Turn­er and stats kicks it with the legendary, DJ Rob Swift. Dur­ing their park bench-esque con­ver­sa­tion, the duo dis­cuss with Rob his DJing roots, grow­ing up in Queens, his for­ay into aca­demia, and a host of oth­er top­ics. And because we’re sure of your inquiry about the playl­ist, we’re proud to announce that it’s ALL ABOUT THE DJ.

By: D.D. Turn­er , Founder/Executive Producer/Host
TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend) Radio
Twit­ter: @TCOHHL_Radio/@HipHops_Wizard
Ins­tagram: @HipHops_Wizard

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D.D. Turn­er, Founder – #TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend)

About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)