Interview: Slimkid3 (@Slimkid3) from Bizarre Ride II: The Pharcyde


In light of their upcom­ing European Tour D.D. Turn­er from TCOH­HL Intervews Bizarre Ride II: The Phar­cyde on behalf of I am Hip Hop Magazine. Listen in for the Phar­cyde jour­ney, upcom­ing plans and what you can expect if you are plan­ning on see­ing them live dur­ing the tour.

For tour details and to book your tick­ets vis­it:

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D.D. Turn­er, Founder – #TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend)

About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)