Review: Confucius MC & Mr Brown (@WeStayTrueUK) ’ The Art Form’


Hip Hop music has matured into a glob­ally accep­ted form of indi­vidu­al­ist­ic, beau­ti­ful expres­sion. Since the 1973 char­ter­ing of the culture’s prin­cipals by its cel­eb­rated fore­fath­ers, many glob­al Hip Hop music con­trib­ut­ors have played integ­ral roles in the now 40 + year sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the cul­ture by gen­er­ally remain­ing fun­da­ment­ally con­nec­ted with the ori­gin­al intent of the music — to impart wis­dom, effect social and/or polit­ic­al change, and show­case lyr­ic­al dex­ter­ity and innov­at­ive­ness, des­pite the level of com­mer­cial suc­cess achieved. Car­ry­ing on tra­di­tion, while main­tain­ing the full staff pos­i­tion of Hip Hop’s uni­ver­sal flag amidst the windy and stormy skies of rel­at­ive wack­ness is Con­fucius MC [emcee] and Mr. Brown on their most recent EP release entitled, THE ART­FORM.

Bey­ond a pro­ject that proves sat­is­fy­ing both lyr­ic­ally and rhyth­mic­ally, there’s an undeni­able dynam­ic tone [felt through­out the work] that has the capa­city to recap­ture while sim­ul­tan­eously con­vey­ing what listen­ers will unmis­tak­ably explain as authen­t­ic. Set upon Mr. Brown’s back­drops of col­or­ful, melod­ic chords and per­cuss­ive arrange­ments, the crafty and smart word­play of Con­fucius MC con­sist­ently deliv­ers a verbal punch that is sure to send “Beats and Bar­zzz” enthu­si­asts’ heads and necks into a repeated, rhythmic sway while pon­der­ing his thought pro­vok­ing, socially con­scious, and shit-talk­ing prose.


The title song, The ART-FORM Pt. 2 [serving as an appro­pri­ate fol­low up to its worthy pre­de­cessor of the same name and from the same pro­ject], seem­ingly offers appro­pri­ate insight into the mind­set of the duo with ref­er­ence to the cre­ation of this pro­ject; serving as meta­phor­ic­al con­text regard­ing the art forms and dis­cip­lines of lyr­i­cism and musi­cian­ship and Mr. Brown and Con­fucius’ respect­ive con­nec­tion and devo­tion to the crafts and per­haps, the cul­ture of Hip Hop. And with the fea­tured appear­ance of Jhest and the voice of the god emcee, Rakim Allah, serving as a transom into the realm of aud­it­ory sat­is­fac­tion, all Hip Hop enthu­si­asts will surely be met with a nos­tal­gic sen­ti­ment that is noth­ing short of pleasant.

Clos­ing out the EP pro­ject is, AN I ME; no doubt a play-on-words that points ref­er­ence to the Japan­ese ori­gin­ated style of anim­a­tion. While the joint finds itself replete with the on-par verbal escapades of Con­fucius MC, the melod­ic infu­sion of the mis­placed retro-type chords over the beat arrange­ment miss the mark of achiev­ing a 1:1 ratio between lyr­ic and music. How­ever, this mis­step is quickly for­got­ten when the listen­er revis­its open­ing joints from the EP like ARTISTE and DIF­FER­ENT END­ING; both exquis­itely bal­anced and fully enjoyable.

Over­all, THE ART­FORM by Mr. Brown and Con­fucius MC is pleas­ing. Undeni­ably, it asserts itself as a revital­iz­ing true Hip Hop exper­i­ence amidst the con­tem­por­ary yet dank cata­combs of mumble-fumble rap. Wel­come back to the green and lush pas­tures of authen­ti­city where the true prin­cipals of Hip Hop music thrive and are not for­saken. Wel­come to, THE ART­FORM!



D.D. Turn­er & Cameryn A. Turner


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About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)