New Music: ShaoDow (@ShaoDowMusic) — Morning After Morning ft. Abiade (@ABIADEMUSIC)


Morn­ing After Morn­ing, the new­est single from ShaoDow fea­tur­ing long time friend and col­lab­or­at­or Abi­ade is a lyr­ic­al skill les­son. With bars, flows and quot­ables the two MCs grabbed a banger and went HAM just because they can.

The not quite Hip Hop, not quite Grime pro­duc­tion comes from sub­woof­er shak­ing vet­er­an Phase 2 whilst back up is provided in the form of a def­in­itely Grime remix from J‑Fresh that is sure to be a reli­able weapon in any urb­an selector’s arsen­al. “I’m a lyr­i­cist first, always have been, always will be. Mak­ing full on songs is fun, but some­times I just want to go in and remind a dude that Shao can spit. I’ve known Abs since col­lege days, we were mess­ing about, rap­ping and try­ing to avoid a bor­ing life back then, I guess in some ways we still are. This track is really just two good friends just doing what we love and what we’re dope at.” Morn­ing After Morn­ing ft. Abi­ade is taken from ShaoDow’s 3rd album シャウ道 。The Way Of Shao with fea­tures from Papoose, Krizz Kaliko (Strange Music), McLean, Dot Rot­ten, Gen­es­is Eli­jah, Dur­rty Goodz and Sero­cee. The single will be released on Spo­ti­fy, Apple Music, ShaoDow’s own web­site and all good down­load sites on (decide on release date). The offi­cial music video, a high-energy fusion of mar­tial arts and move­ment will première on ShaoDow’s Vevo chan­nel on (decide on date).

Shao is one of only a few inde­pend­ent rap­pers able to make a full-time liv­ing from selling his phys­ic­al singles/albums and mer­chand­ise. He owns The Blue and Purple Store, the UK’s first artist run pop up shops selling a selec­tion of his music, head­phones and merch in major shop­ping centres across the coun­try. He recently released his first book a manga series (Japan­ese style com­ic book) entitled シャウ道。The Way Of Shao the collector’s edi­tion sold out with­in 2 months.

A hard­work­ing rap busi­ness­man – he learned his dis­cip­line & work eth­ic whilst study­ing Kung Fu in China when he was just a teen­ager. Upon return­ing to the UK, ShaoDow com­pleted a Law degree and now com­mits his life to mak­ing music, selling 25k phys­ic­al albums inde­pend­ently and open­ing for Tech N9ne, The Phar­cyde, Stomzy, Skep­ta, Wiley, Ghetts, Devlin, Akala, tour­ing Europe, Asia and South Amer­ica, rap­ping in Japan­ese dur­ing his Fire In The Booth and per­form­ing at Read­ing & Leeds festival.

Check out Morn­ing After Morn­ing below:


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.