Event: Campaign Against Arms Trade presents DANCE TO DISARM! WITH LOGIC, AWATE, DJS + MORE

richmix - awate



Logic will be bring­ing his unique and power­ful live show to Rich Mix to head­line this event. A lead­ing pion­eer in con­scious UK hip-hop, Logic’s music com­bines power­ful social com­ment­ary with anthem­ic hooks and razor-sharp beats for a breath tak­ing live experience.

Logic will be joined by fel­low Lon­don rap­per Awate. An artist, act­iv­ist and refugee, Awate’s music tackles sub­jects like iden­tity, his­tory, racism and pride over for­ward think­ing, jazz-inspired beats.

Our live per­formers will also be joined by some rising stars in spoken word and some awe­some DJs!

The Resis’Dance DJ col­lect­ive are a diverse group of women who came togeth­er to rock the dance­floor whilst chal­len­ging gender norms in the party and polit­ic­al scene. They will bring a blend of fresh beats and dance clas­sics, span­ning from soca and afrobeats through to house and garage

DJs Jon More & Matt Black — founders of the icon­ic Ninja Tune Record label – will close the night with their eclect­ic mash-up of hip-hop, breaks, elec­tro and jazz for a very spe­cial video DJ set.

Dance To Dis­arm is part of a week­end of per­form­ance, work­shops, speak­ers and dis­cus­sions organ­ised by Cam­paign Against Arms Trade and the Stop The Arms Fair.

Expect a diverse line up from chal­len­ging spoken word and hard-hit­ting live hip-hop through to fun, floor filling DJ sets. Expect to dance and get inspired, whilst stand­ing up for peace, justice and human rights.


Logic is a pion­eer and lead­ing voice of con­scious hip-hop in the UK. He is also co-founder of the ‘Peoples Army’ col­lect­ive, which includes peers like Lowkey, Akala and Mic Righteous.

Awate is a rap­per, pro­du­cer and act­iv­ist from Maid­en Lane Estate, Cam­den. A res­id­ent at Camden’s icon­ic Round­house ven­ue, he has toured world­wide with Lowkey and gained vocal sup­port from some huge names, includ­ing Yasi­in Bey (Mos Def), Idris Elba and Pharaohe Monche.

DJs Jon More & Matt Black, founders of Ninja Tune records, bring an unmiss­able mash-up of music and video to their sets. The icon­ic Ninja label hosts a huge range of elec­tron­ic artists includ­ing Amin Tobin, Mr Scruff, Bonobo and Young Fathers.

Res­is’Dance are a diverse group of women tak­ing hold of the tech and decks, smash­ing the pat­ri­archy and sup­port­ing under fun­ded rad­ic­al grass­roots organ­isa­tions. They came togeth­er to organ­ise banging party nights and DJ sets – whilst chal­len­ging gender norms in the party and polit­ic­al scene.

Miz­an the poet is a spoken word artist and peace act­iv­ist using poetry to inspire pos­it­ive change.

For tick­ets click here 

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.