Introducing Hip Hop Collective G‑Camp (@MajestyKingdom)


O.T.T (back left), S.H.9 (front left), Majesty (far right) at the Outchea Fest­iv­al Launch Party in Box Park Croy­don. Pho­to­graph: @HenriqueJosias


Meet the new Hip Hop collective that are here to make you recognise and empower your spirit with their knockout combination.

G‑Camp are a Hip Hop col­lect­ive from Lon­don. The group was con­struc­ted by Majesty in early 2017 and they released their debut single in March on the MajestyK­ing­dom site. Though Majesty has cir­cu­lated the Hip Hop and music scene for years under anoth­er ali­as, his vis­ion has always been to be a part of an “army”. The group was for­mu­lated with the aim to “elim­in­ate neg­at­iv­ity and to empower pos­it­iv­ity” in the minds and spir­its of soci­ety. The Hip Hop col­lect­ive con­sists of Majesty, O.T.T (Only The Truth), and S.H.9.

Round One

Majesty, also referred to as the ‘Fath­er of G‑Camp’ is the upper cut in the G‑Camp com­bin­a­tion. An upper cut can ini­ti­ate or fin­ish a com­bin­a­tion and Majesty does just that, he is the force that binds G‑Camp togeth­er. He cre­ates the beats, organ­ises stu­dio time, arranges the group’s per­form­ances and even went as far as dir­ect­ing and edit­ing the collective’s music video for their single Recog­nise. His flow and lyr­i­cism reflect the sound and essence of 90’s Hip Hop; how­ever, his men­tal­ity is purely set on mov­ing for­ward and the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Straight spir­itu­al that what the com­bin­a­tion of (G‑Camp) is. People need to under­stand that there’s power in the words that we speak, so just know (that) if you have wisdom…then God has blessed you to speak com­mon sense and slap some con­cise­ness in people’s minds, bod­ies and spir­its. People are get­ting desens­it­ised by listen­ing to a lot of junk” — Majesty

Round Two

A jab is known for its speed and power of exe­cu­tion and that is exactly what O.T.T exhib­its. I had the priv­ilege of sit­ting in on a few of G‑Camp’s record­ing ses­sions. I had a con­trast­ing view of Majesty writ­ing his lyr­ics with a pen and pad while O.T.T tapped away quietly on his iPhone, any­one would con­sider him the typ­ic­al anti-social teen­ager. The most beau­ti­ful thing about O.T.T is not know­ing what he is going to come up with and then hear­ing so much real­ness and sub­stance from a 15-year-old. For a young­ster he has a very strong yet calm pres­ence on stage and just like most sharp jabs; you may not see it com­ing but you defiantly­­ feel it when it lands. He may be a new school rap­per but he pos­sesses the value and essence of authen­t­ic Hip Hop. His lyr­ic­al effi­ciency com­bined with his firm deliv­ery makes him very deadly.

“I’m not the tallest broth­er, I’m not the coolest broth­er” — O.T.T

Round Three

Between Majesty and O.T.T they bridge a gap between old school and new school Hip Hop lov­ers.  Unity has always and will always be a fun­da­ment­al part of the cul­ture. One of Hip Hop’s most clas­sic and power­ful songs that embod­ies the spir­it of unity was penned by Queen Lati­fah. U.N.I.T.Y is a Hip Hop anthem that not only stands at the fore­front of being united, it is also empower­ing and uplift­ing to all women. With the being said; All Hail S.H.9! She rep­res­ents the sis­ter­hood of Hip Hop and is the hook in the G‑Camp combo. The hook is a power­ful punch with knock­out power and S.H.9 embraces every aspect of that through her style, spir­it and can­did lyr­ics. She is more than a pretty face and effort­lessly owns the mic, perks your ears and cap­tures your atten­tion. She speaks her truth and unapo­lo­get­ic­ally stands as a Kween.

“I got a vis­ion and a plan, God Over Dev­ils is the G‑Camp brand” – S.H.9

G‑Camp bring truth, unity and power to the world­wide com­munity of Hip Hop. You can catch them live in action in Lon­don at the Mill­field Theatre on 28th July 2017 along­side Gen­es­is Eli­jah and Dun D.



Recog­nise Single


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Brianne Campbell

Hip Hop lov­er, writer, pho­to­graph­er and graph­ic design artist.

About Brianne Campbell

Hip Hop lover, writer, photographer and graphic design artist.