Review: Confucius MC & Mr Brown...
Hip Hop music has matured into a glob­ally accep­ted form of indi­vidu­al­ist­ic, beau­ti­ful expres­sion....
Interview: I Am Hip Hop Magazine Meet The Soul...
  Eight piece brass ensemble THE SOUL REBELS are rid­ing high into 2017 after tour­ing four
Interview: Slimkid3 (@Slimkid3) from Bizarre Ride...
In light of their upcom­ing European Tour D.D. Turn­er from TCOH­HL Intervews Bizarre Ride II: The
Interview: @TCOHHL_Radio Meet Apex Zero!
**Sponsored by 80’s Uni­ver­sity Appar­el (** On this epis­ode of TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a...
Interview: @TCOHHL_Radio Meet “M1 of...
On this epis­ode of The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend (#TCOH­HL) Radio, the dynam­ic duo,
The Chronicles Of The Turntablist, DJ...
In 2000 years from now, it’s reas­on­able to think that Hip Hop’s story will be con­tained
A Manifesto – A Response to Macklemore and Ryan...
“…these are the words that I mani­fest. I Mani­fest.” – Gang Starr, Mani­fest (No More Mr.
Life, Music, And Career of Hip Hop’s TorGuide...
In Hip Hop con­text, how would you define the title, Lyr­i­cist? Here’s my submission:...