Interview: @TCOHHL_Radio Meet Apex Zero!

**Sponsored by 80’s Uni­ver­sity Appar­el (**

On this epis­ode of TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend) Radio show, we kicked it with long­time TCOH­HL friend and Emcee, Apex Zero. Dur­ing our time spent with Apex, we dis­cussed his Lon­don, Eng­land roots, Hip Hop cul­ture, Poli[tricks], world views/perspectives, his time spent in China [and the coun­tries Hip Hop scene], along with a host of oth­er top­ics. And to com­pli­ment this epis­ode, we cel­eb­rate Apex Zer­o’s jour­ney and prowess as an Emcee by way of a care­fully craf­ted DJ Des Ever mix . Press play now!

Hit us up!
@TCOHHL_Radio (Twit­ter)
@hiphops_wizard (IG/Twitter)
@ygb79 (Twit­ter)
@lyrik1979 (IG)
@TCOHHLRadio (Face­book) (Audiobook)

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D.D. Turn­er, Founder – #TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend)

About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)