Life, Music, And Career of Hip Hop’s TorGuide @Torae

In Hip Hop con­text, how would you define the title, Lyr­i­cist? Here’s my submission:
Lyr­i­cist [liruh-sist] : One whom is endowed with the abil­ity to express pop­u­lar thought and per­cep­tion through the skill­ful exe­cu­tion of rhyme sequences, pat­terns, and con­structs all while adher­ing to the sac­red ten­ants of Hip Hop culture.

This defin­i­tion explains [Coney Island] Broot1klyn, New York City’s, Tor­ae Carr exquis­itely. As a pol­ished Emcee, Tor­ae has com­mit­ted him­self to an undeni­able con­sist­ency over the years by deliv­er­ing lyr­ic­al craft­work that is replete with for­mid­able punch­lines and obser­va­tions that go straight to the heart, mind, and soul of his fans. And to rein­force the com­pli­ment­ary per­cep­tions of those of us that com­prise his loy­al fan base, our cel­eb­rated Tor­Guide has blessed us with, Entitled; a full length pro­ject that sat­is­fies the expect­a­tions of even the most unfor­giv­ing Hip Hop music crit­ic. From “Get Down” to “C.I.’s Finest” to the “Shoutro,” Tor­ae takes us on an explor­at­ive jour­ney of his own mat­ur­a­tion, offer­ing dis­clos­ure along the way through his lyr­ic­al prowess about his life exper­i­ences, love, and loss.

Tor­ae has bor­rowed a page from the golden play­book of our Hip Hop tran­scend­ing eld­er statesmen/women by pur­su­ing and mas­ter­ing fields out­side of the cul­ture. And like these legends, his jour­ney of self-explor­a­tion and mat­ur­a­tion through music has pre­pared him for the real­iz­a­tion of his life’s path. And as he has showed us through his hard work, sac­ri­fice, and determ­in­a­tion over the years, he’s not just deserving of all of the good things that are to come for he and his fam­ily, he’s Entitled.


Vis­it to hear our inter­view with Torae.

-D.D. Turn­er, Founder – #TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend)

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About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)

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