Interview: @TCOHHL_Radio Meet “M1 of Dead Prez”


On this epis­ode of The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend (#TCOH­HL) Radio, the dynam­ic duo, D.D. Turn­er and C. Stats, hos­ted M1 of Dead Prez. What are we dis­cuss­ing? From the roots of Dead Prez to their recent pro­jects to food and nutri­tion, we covered it all. And the playl­ist you ask? It’s all about Dead Prez!

Don’t fake jacks by being a #Turd­Bird! Press play and offi­cially be Down By Law with #TCOH­HL, #Dead­Prez, and the #RBG Move­ment. #Word­Born!

Hit us up! You fol­low us. We fol­low you.
@TCOHHL_Radio (Twit­ter)
@hiphops_wizard (IG/Twitter)
@ygb79 (Twit­ter)
@lyrik1979 (IG)

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D.D. Turn­er, Founder – #TCOH­HL (The Chron­icles of a Hip Hop Legend)

About D.D. Turner

D.D. Turner, Founder – #TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend)