This sum­mer, Vic­tor­ia Park in Lon­don is set to host an elec­tri­fy­ing hip-hop event as the All Points East Fest­iv­al unveils its thrill­ing lineup. Sched­uled for August 16–18, this annu­al music extra­vag­anza prom­ises an unmiss­able exper­i­ence for rap afi­cion­ados world­wide, head­lined by the legendary Nas and the enig­mat­ic André 3000.

On Day 2, Nas, the esteemed word­smith from Queens­bridge, will take the stage, deliv­er­ing his sig­na­ture blend of gritty lyr­i­cism and pro­found storytelling that has cemen­ted his status as a rap icon. Join­ing him is André 3000, the bound­ary-push­ing artist known for his unpar­alleled cre­ativ­ity and genre-defy­ing con­tri­bu­tions to hip-hop as one half of OutKast.

The excite­ment does­n’t end there; with per­form­ances by Fly­ing Lotus, Loyle Carner, and Ezra Col­lect­ive, attendees can expect a diverse array of sounds ran­ging from exper­i­ment­al beats to jazz-infused melodies.

As the sun sets over Vic­tor­ia Park, the beats will pulsate, the crowd will groove, and hip-hop his­tory will be writ­ten. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unfor­get­table week­end fea­tur­ing Nas, André 3000, and a host of oth­er extraordin­ary artists at All Points East.

While the offi­cial lineup announce­ment hasn’t revealed any sur­prise guest appear­ances, the world of music is full of unex­pec­ted moments, and fest­iv­al organ­izers often keep a few sur­prises up their sleeves.

Fans are buzz­ing with anti­cip­a­tion, won­der­ing if any unex­pec­ted artists might make an appear­ance dur­ing the fest­iv­al. Although we can’t con­firm any sur­prises just yet, keep an eye on social media chan­nels, offi­cial announce­ments, and music news out­lets. Some­times, the best moments hap­pen when the unex­pec­ted takes the stage!

The allure of sur­prise guests lies in their spon­taneity. Wheth­er it’s a sur­prise per­form­ance by a legendary artist or an up-and-com­ing tal­ent, the All Points East Fest­iv­al prom­ises an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence for hip-hop enthu­si­asts worldwide.

Mak­ing her fest­iv­al head­line debut, the glob­ally cel­eb­rated artist Mit­ski will head­line Uber One presents All Points East on Sunday 18 August. Join­ing Mit­ski in London’s Vic­tor­ia Park are spe­cial guests beaba­doo­bee, TV Girl, Eth­el Cain, Arlo Parks, Sir Chloe, Wasia Pro­ject, Infin­ity Song, Wisp, Towa Bird, Straw­berry Guy and bby, with the full line-up to be announced.

This All Points East head­line show will also mark Mitski’s final per­form­ance in Europe sup­port­ing her glob­ally acclaimed latest album, The Land Is Inhos­pit­able and So Are We. Gar­ner­ing wide­spread recog­ni­tion, the record includes the hugely suc­cess­ful single ‘My Love Mine All Mine’, which was Mit­ski’s first song to chart on the Bill­board Hot 100. It soared to 1 bil­lion streams glob­ally and has been cer­ti­fied gold in the UK.

With over 7 bil­lion streams through­out her career, Mit­ski is cur­rently the #99 highest stream­ing artist on Spo­ti­fy worldwide.

Born in the Phil­ip­pines and raised in Lon­don, Bea Kristi began record­ing music as beaba­doo­bee in 2017. At just 23 years old, beaba­doo­bee has built her huge, ded­ic­ated fan­base with her flaw­less out­put of con­fes­sion­al bed­room pop songs and DIY aes­thet­ic. In 2022 beabado­bee released her second album Beato­pia — an impress­ively eclect­ic col­lec­tion which tra­verses numer­ous genre land­scapes. The record broadened beabado­bee’s vis­ib­il­ity from bey­ond her ador­ing Gen Z fan­base to a wider, main­stream audi­ence and saw her achieve her highest chart pos­i­tion to date, No. 4 in the UK Offi­cial Album Chart and No. 1 in the UK Inde­pend­ent Albums chart, achiev­ing over 40 mil­lion album streams.

Join­ing as spe­cial guests, TV Girl are a hyp­not­ic pop band known for their dreamy, lo-fi sound and clev­erly craf­ted lyr­ics. Hail­ing from Los Angeles, the group has a devoted fol­low­ing with their unique blend of nos­tal­gia-infused melod­ies and witty storytelling. Their break­out single ‘Birds Don’t Sing’ cap­tured wide­spread atten­tion, now with a dis­co­graphy span­ning sev­er­al acclaimed albums and EPs, includ­ing French Exit and Who Really Cares, TV Girl con­tin­ues to cap­tiv­ate audi­ences with their infec­tious tunes and dis­tinct­ive sound.

Eth­el Cain is a rising force in the altern­at­ive music scene, cap­tiv­at­ing listen­ers with her haunt­ing vocals and genre-bend­ing sound. Cre­at­ing music that defies easy cat­egor­isa­tion, blend­ing ele­ments of indie rock, pop, and elec­tron­ica to cre­ate a cap­tiv­at­ing son­ic land­scape, her break­out single, 2021’s ‘Crush’, received crit­ic­al acclaim. Her debut album Preacher’s Daugh­ter arrived in 2022, includ­ing singles ‘Strangers’ and fan favour­ite ‘Amer­ic­an Teen­ager’, lead­ing her to shows around the world, includ­ing cap­tiv­at­ing per­form­ances across the UK.

One of Brit­ish music’s bright­est hopes, Lon­don-born Arlo Parks is an award-win­ning sing­er and song­writer. Her debut album Col­lapsed In Sun­beams, full of poet­ic lyr­ics and rumin­at­ive indie pop songs, took the industry by storm, reach­ing No.3 in the UK album charts and secur­ing her both the Mer­cury Prize and a BRIT Award for Break­through Artist. In 2023 her second album My Soft Machine also reached the Top 10 in the UK album charts, with the release of her debut poetry book The Magic Bor­der fol­low­ing later that year.

Sir Chloe, an indie rock band formed in 2017 at Ben­ning­ton Col­lege, gained fame with their Tik­Tok hit ‘Michelle.’ Their debut EP, Party Favors, dropped in 2020. Fol­low­ing singles ‘Com­pany’ and ‘Mercy’, they released their debut album I Am The Dog in 2023, fea­tur­ing pro­duc­tion by John Congleton and Sarah Tudz­in of Illu­minati Hot­ties. They toured with Beck and Phoenix the fol­low­ing summer.

Also on this huge line up is Wasia Pro­ject, formed by sib­ling duo Will Gao and Olivia Hardy, New York City fam­ily band and music col­lect­ive Infin­ity Song, San Fran­cisco shoegaze artist Wisp, gui­tar-based pop musi­cian Towa Bird, plus Straw­berry Guy and bby.

Each year, All Points East deliv­ers an epic line up of world class head­liners, excep­tion­ally cur­ated sup­port­ing line ups and big exclus­ives. 2024 will be no dif­fer­ent — Mit­ski joins pre­vi­ously announced head­liners Kaytranada (Fri­day 16 August), Loyle Carner (Sat­urday 17 August), LCD Sound­sys­tem (Fri­day 23 August), APE presents Field Day (Sat­urday 24 August) and The Postal Ser­vice / Death Cab For Cutie (Sunday 25 August).

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.