“The God Emcee,” Rakim returns with his first offi­cial single, “Be Ill,” and pro­ject in 15-years, show­ing the world his “G.O.D.” status extends to more than just lyricism.

Along­side, Eric B and as a solo-artist, Rakim has released a total of sev­en stu­dio albums. Now, along with the release of his new single, Be Ill,” fea­tur­ing Kur­upt and Masta Killa, Rakim has also announced his new pro­ject, G.O.D.’s Net­work (Reb7rth), will be released on 7–26-24.  G.O.D.’s Net­work (Reb7rth) is also the first pro­ject that is entirely pro­duced by the God himself.

With “Be Ill,” Rakim holds down vocals, pro­duc­tion and cuts, and he is joined by Dogg Pound and Wu-Tang con­tem­por­ar­ies Kur­upt and Masta Killa. “Be Ill” is now avail­able at all DSP’s. The video for “Be Ill” will be released on 6–21.24 at 9am EST and will be premiered by Rolling Stone at 8 am EST. The video provides the view­er a golden-era esque time cap­sule for when all you needed to show­case your skills were two turntables and a micro­phone. Rakim, Kur­upt and Masta Killa all shine in their very unique ways through­out the Rakim pro­duced sound­scape, and it serves as a fur­ther remind­er that it was Rakim’s pro­duc­tion that brought to life pre­vi­ous clas­sics such as “Juice” (Know The Ledge), “Don’t Sweat The Tech­nique,” “Paid In Full,” and so many others.

G.O.D.s’ Net­work (Reb7rth) will fea­ture col­lab­or­a­tions with Nip­sey Hussle, DMX, B.G., Meth­od Man, Prodigy, 38 Spesh, Kur­upt, Masta Killa, Sky­zoo, Kool G Rap, Joell Ort­iz, KXNG Crooked, Plan­et Asia and more. 

Rakim fans world­wide can rejoice that G.O.D.s Net­work (Reb7rth) will be released in all formats; includ­ing Digit­al, CD, Cas­sette, and 12” and 7” Vinyl via and cour­tesy of Holy Toledo Productions/Compound Interest Entertainment/RRC Music and 1332 Records.

While the world enjoys the first new Rakim single, and eagerly awaits the release date for his new pro­ject, fans can catch him per­form­ing live through­out the U.S. until the end of the year in sup­port of G.O.D.’s Net­work (Reb7rth). In addi­tion, to deb­ut­ing new mater­i­al, Rakim will also be per­form­ing all of the clas­sics from his beloved catalog.

BE ILL is out now. Listen HERE 

Rakim’s G.O.D.’s Net­work (Reb7rth) will be released on Fri­day 26th July.

G.O.D.’s Net­work (Reb7rth) TRACK­LIST­ING:

Be Ill FEAT Kur­upt & Masta Killa

Now Is The Time FEAT B.G., Hus King­pin & Compton Menance

Love Is The Mes­sage FEAT Nip­sey Hussle, Snoop Dogg, Plan­et Asia, Louis King, Sally Green, Kobe Hon­eycutt & The L.A. Grand Choir

God’s Play­ground FEAT 38 Spesh, Sky­zoo, Fred The God­son & DMX

Pen­du­lum Swing FEAT KXNG Crooked, Canibus, LA The Dark­man & Chino XL

Inter­na­tion­al FEAT Kool G Rap, Joell Ort­iz & Tristate

Sign Of Se7en FEAT Prodigy, Meth­od Man, X- Raided & Big Twins

***All Tracks Pro­duced By Rakim

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.