Kendrick Lamar & Florence + The Machine To Headline Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Hyde Park


Sat­urday July 2nd, 2016

Florence + The Machine 

Kendrick Lamar

 Jam­ie XX

Blood Orange

Plus many more to be announced….

Barclay­card presents Brit­ish Sum­mer Time Hyde Park

Already announced:

Mum­ford & Sons – Fri­day July 8th

Take That – Sat­urday July 9th





The huge announce­ments just keep com­ing.  Barclay­card Presents Brit­ish Sum­mer Time Hyde Park has already lined up both Take That and Mum­ford & Sons to head­line the summer’s greatest event.

BRIT Award win­ners Florence + The Machine and Plat­in­um-selling, mul­tiple Grammy win­ner musi­cian Kendrick Lamar are the latest to add their monik­er to the illus­tri­ous list of former and future Hyde Park stars.

A tri­umphant home­com­ing in Lon­don for Florence Welch, it is affirm­a­tion of her huge suc­cess since 2009’s debut album Lungs, which made her a house­hold name in the music world. This year Florence returned with How Big, How Blue, How Beau­ti­ful which became her third album to reach num­ber one, top­ping the charts in 7 coun­tries includ­ing the UK and USA and was recently nom­in­ated for the Mer­cury Prize.

Florence + The Machine stepped up to head­line Gla­ston­bury Fest­iv­al at the last minute when Foo Fighter’s Dave Grohl broke his leg. Florence more than rose to the occa­sion prov­ing her­self to be one of the best live per­formers in the world today.

 It’s a real hon­our to head­line Barclay­card presents Brit­ish Sum­mer Time Hyde Park,” says Florence Welch, “It’s an icon­ic place to per­form, espe­cially for a Brit­ish artist. I grew up in Lon­don. All of my first gigs were here. We will put on some­thing really spe­cial. What’s amaz­ing is that we have free reign, so we are going to make some­thing magic­al happen!


One of the most acclaimed hip-hop artists of his gen­er­a­tion, Kendrick Lamar joins Florence + The Machine on July 2nd. The Compton, Cali­for­nia nat­ive has been com­pared to Bob Dylan by Phar­rell Wil­li­ams  who has also cred­ited Kendrick with re-ener­gising hip hop. His latest album, To Pimp A But­ter­fly, has been hailed as a mas­ter­piece while gar­ner­ing inter­na­tion­al crit­ic­al acclaim. Kendrick Lamar in Hyde Park will be an unmiss­able experience.

 Join­ing Florence and Kendrick on this line up is Jam­ie XX. Found­ing mem­ber of sem­in­al group The xx, who won the Mer­cury Music Prize in 2010 for their debut album xx, Jam­ie has since gone on to huge solo suc­cess, work­ing with a pleth­ora of the worlds biggest artists such Adele, Alicia Keys, Radi­o­head and Barclay­card presents BST Hyde Park’s very own Florence + The Machine. Along­side his many pro­jects was the inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed album with Gill Scott Her­on, released in 2011 it pro­duced the hit single ‘I’ll Take Care Of U’ which went on to be sampled by Drake on his track Take Care ft Rihanna. More recently, Jam­ie released his debut solo record In Col­our to crit­ic­al acclaim, reach­ing #3 in the UK, it has cemen­ted his status as the go to pro­du­cer, and man of the moment. Hyde Park awaits what will surely be the set of the summer.

Hyde Park will also wel­come the incred­ible, Blood Orange. Blend­ing elec­tron­ica and R&B, Blood Orange is the latest music­al pro­ject by Brit­ish sing­er and pro­du­cer, Dev Hynes. A reg­u­lar on ‘Cool Lists’ for almost a dec­ade, Hynes launched Blood Orange in 2009 and has pro­duced two widely acclaimed albums includ­ing ‘Cupid Deluxe’ which Pitch­fork described as one of the “best albums of the dec­ade”. Dur­ing the Blood Orange era, Hynes has also penned tracks for FKA Twigs, Sky Fer­reira, Carly Rae Jepson and Solange, mak­ing him one of the most in-demand song­writers in the world right now.

Barclay­card presents Brit­ish Sum­mer Time Hyde Park will reunite Hynes with Florence Welch. Not only did he tour with Florence + The Machine in 2012, he also col­lab­or­ated with Welch on her hugely suc­cess­ful album, ‘Lungs’.

Barclay­card presents Brit­ish Sum­mer Time Hyde Park hits its fourth year in 2016, firmly estab­lished as the essen­tial Lon­don sum­mer event.  Already announced for July 9th as head­liners are Take That, bring­ing their full live exper­i­ence to Hyde Park for the very first time.  And on July 8th, Mum­ford & Sons will head­line with spe­cial guests Alabama Shakes and Wolf Alice.

For Tick­ets And The Full Line Up Visit:


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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.